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#include<iostream>#include<map>#include<set>#include<string>#include<vector>#include<fstream>#include<sstream>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;//主要完成将输入文件转换为map形式map<int,vector<string>> runQueries(ifstream &infile){    map<int,vector<string>> map_word;    int lines=0;    string text;    while(getline(infile,text))    {        istringstream in(text);        string word;        while(in>>word)        {            map_word[lines].push_back(word);        }        ++lines;    }    return map_word;}int main(){    ifstream in("1.txt");    map<int,vector<string>> map_word=runQueries(in);    set<int> iset;    string str;    cin>>str;    vector<string>::size_type lines=0;    while(lines!=map_word.size())    {        vector<string> tmp=map_word[lines];        auto iter=find(tmp.begin(),tmp.end(),str);        if(iter!=tmp.end())           iset.insert(lines);        lines++;    }    cout<<"elements occurs "<<iset.size()<<" times "<<endl;    auto ss=iset.begin();    while(ss!=iset.end())    {        cout<<"(line "<<*ss<<" )"<<" ";        for(auto v:map_word[*ss])            cout<<v<<" ";        cout<<endl;        ++ss;    }    return 0;}


Alice Emma has long flowing red hair.Her Daddy says when the wind blowsthrough her hair, it looks almost alive,like a fiery bird in flight.A beautiful fiery bird, he tells her,magical but untamed."Daddy, shush, there is no such thing,"she tells him, at the same time wantinghim to tell her more.Shyly, she asks, "I mean, Daddy, is there?"Alice Emma has long flowing red hair.Her Daddy says when the wind blowsthrough her hair, it looks almost alive,like a fiery bird in flight.A beautiful fiery bird, he tells her,magical but untamed."Daddy, shush, there is no such thing,"she tells him, at the same time wantinghim to tell her more.Shyly, she asks, "I mean, Daddy, is there?"Alice Emma has long flowing red hair.Her Daddy says when the wind blowsthrough her hair, it looks almost alive,like a fiery bird in flight.A beautiful fiery bird, he tells her,magical but untamed."Daddy, shush, there is no such thing,"she tells him, at the same time wantinghim to tell her more.Shyly, she asks, "I mean, Daddy, is there?"
