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inq to datatable group by 多列 实现

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Threading.Tasks;namespace ConsoleApplication2{    internal class Program    {        private static void Main(string[] args)        {            DataTable dt = new DataTable();            dt.Columns.Add("type", typeof (string));            dt.Columns.Add("time", typeof (string));            dt.Columns.Add("action", typeof (string));            dt.Columns.Add("sum", typeof (string));            dt.Rows.Add("A", "09:00:00", "举手", "5");            dt.Rows.Add("A", "15:00:00", "扭腰", "3");            dt.Rows.Add("A", "19:00:00", "扭腰", "3");            dt.Rows.Add("B", "08:00:00", "抬脚", "2");            dt.Rows.Add("B", "11:00:00", "举手", "2");            dt.Rows.Add("C", "08:00:00", "扭脖子", "6");            dt.Rows.Add("C", "09:00:00", "提臀", "5");            var query = from t in dt.AsEnumerable()                group t by new                {                    t1 = t.Field<string>("type")                    //,t2 = t.Field<DateTime>("arrivalTime")多个条件                }                into m                select new                {                    time = string.Join("---", m.Select(n => n.Field<string>("time")).ToArray()),                    type = m.Key.t1,                    action = string.Join("/", m.Select(n => n.Field<string>("action")).ToArray()),                    rowcount = m.Count()                };              var sss = query.ToList();             }    }}


inq to datatable group by 多列 实现