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参考一些网上资料, 然后自己改了改......主要是为自己写的一个监视活动进程工具用的, 有需要可以参考参考


unit ProcessInfos;interfaceuses  Windows, TLHelp32, PsAPI, SysUtils;type  TProcessInfo = record    PID: Cardinal;    PathName: string;    CMDName: string;  end;  PProcessInfo = ^TProcessInfo;  TProcessInfos = array of TProcessInfo;procedure GetProcessInfos(var APIList: TProcessInfos);function FindProcess(APathName: string; var API: TProcessInfo): Boolean;function GetProcessInfo(APID: Cardinal; API: PProcessInfo): Boolean;implementationtype  UNICODE_STRING = packed record    Length: Word;    MaximumLength: Word;    Buffer: PWideChar;  end;  PUNICODE_STRING = UNICODE_STRING;  PROCESS_PARAMETERS = packed record    AllocationSize: ULONG;    ActualSize: ULONG;    Flags: ULONG;    Unknown1: ULONG;    Unknown2: UNICODE_STRING;    InputHandle: THandle;    OutputHandle: THandle;    ErrorHandle: THandle;    CurrentDirectory: UNICODE_STRING;    CurrentDirectoryHandle: THandle;    SearchPaths: UNICODE_STRING;    ApplicationName: UNICODE_STRING;    CommandLine: UNICODE_STRING;    EnvironmentBlock: Pointer;    Unknown: array[0..9 - 1] of ULONG;    Unknown3: UNICODE_STRING;    Unknown4: UNICODE_STRING;    Unknown5: UNICODE_STRING;    Unknown6: UNICODE_STRING;  end;  PPROCESS_PARAMETERS = ^PROCESS_PARAMETERS;  PEB = packed record    AllocationSize: ULONG;    Unknown1: ULONG;    ProcessHinstance: Longword;    ListDlls: Pointer;    ProcessParameters: PPROCESS_PARAMETERS;    Unknown2: ULONG;    Heap: THandle;  end;  PPEB = ^PEB;  _PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION = packed record    Reserved1: Pointer;    PebBaseAddress: PPEB;    Reserved2: array[0..1] of Pointer;    UniqueProcessId: PULONG;    Reserved3: Pointer;  end;  PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION = _PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION;  PPROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION = ^PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION;  PROCESSINFOCLASS = (    ProcessBasicInformation = 0,    ProcessWow64Information = 26  );  NTSTATUS = DWORD;function NtQueryInformationProcess(  ProcessHandle: THandle;  ProcessInformationClass: PROCESSINFOCLASS;  ProcessInformation: Pointer;  ProcessInformationLength: ULONG;  ReturnLength: PULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; external ‘ntdll.dll‘ name ‘NtQueryInformationProcess‘;var  _SystemRoot: string;procedure GetProcessInfos(var APIList: TProcessInfos);var  nContinueLoop: BOOL;  nSnapShotHandle: THandle;  nProcessEntry32: TProcessEntry32;  nCount: Word;begin  nSnapShotHandle := CreateToolhelp32SnapShot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);  try    nProcessEntry32.dwSize := SizeOf(nProcessEntry32);    nContinueLoop := Process32First(nSnapShotHandle, nProcessEntry32);    SetLength(APIList, 65536);    nCount := 0;    while nContinueLoop do    begin      if GetProcessInfo(nProcessEntry32.th32ProcessID, @APIList[nCount]) then        Inc(nCount);      nContinueLoop := Process32Next(nSnapShotHandle, nProcessEntry32);    end;    SetLength(APIList, nCount);  finally    CloseHandle(nSnapShotHandle);  end;end;function FindProcess(APathName: string; var API: TProcessInfo): Boolean;var  nContinueLoop: BOOL;  nSnapShotHandle: THandle;  nProcessEntry32: TProcessEntry32;  nR: TProcessInfo;begin  Result := False;  nSnapShotHandle := CreateToolhelp32SnapShot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);  try    nProcessEntry32.dwSize := SizeOf(nProcessEntry32);    nContinueLoop := Process32First(nSnapShotHandle, nProcessEntry32);    while nContinueLoop do    begin      if GetProcessInfo(nProcessEntry32.th32ProcessID, @nR) then      begin        if SameText(nR.PathName, APathName) then        begin          API := nR;          Result := True;          Break;        end;      end;      nContinueLoop := Process32Next(nSnapShotHandle, nProcessEntry32);    end;  finally    CloseHandle(nSnapShotHandle);  end;end;function GetProcessInfo(APID: Cardinal; API: PProcessInfo): Boolean;  procedure _CurePath(var APath: string);  begin    APath := Trim(APath);    if APath = ‘‘ then      Exit;    if Copy(APath, 1, 4) = ‘\??\‘ then      {类似\??\c:\windows\system32\winlogon.exe的路径}      APath := Copy(APath, 5, Length(APath))    else if Copy(APath, 1, 12) = ‘\SystemRoot\‘ then      {类似\SystemRoot\system32\smss.exe的路径}      APath := IncludeTrailingBackslash(_SystemRoot) + ExtractFileName(APath);  end;var  nPHandle: THandle;   nStr: string;  nStrC: WideString;  nPBI: PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION;  nR: Cardinal;  nPEB: PEB;  nPP: PROCESS_PARAMETERS;  nCount: Word;  nBuff: array [0..MAX_PATH] of Char;begin  Result := False;  if API = nil then    Exit;  nPHandle := OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_VM_READ, False, APID);  if nPHandle = 0 then    Exit;  try    if GetModuleFileNameEx(nPHandle, 0, @nBuff[0], SizeOf(nBuff)) > 0 then      API^.PathName := nBuff    else      API^.PathName := ‘‘;    try      if NtQueryInformationProcess(nPHandle, ProcessBasicInformation, @nPBI, SizeOf(nPBI), @nR) <> 0 then        Abort;      if not ReadProcessMemory(nPHandle, nPBI.PebBaseAddress, @nPEB, SizeOf(nPEB), nR) then        Abort;      if not ReadProcessMemory(nPHandle, nPEB.ProcessParameters, @nPP, SizeOf(nPP), nR) then        Abort;      if nPP.CommandLine.Length = 0 then        Abort;      SetLength(nStrC, nPP.CommandLine.Length div 2);      if not ReadProcessMemory(nPHandle, nPP.CommandLine.Buffer, @nStrC[1],        nPP.CommandLine.Length, nR) then        Abort;      API^.CMDName := nStrC;    except      API^.CMDName := ‘‘;    end;  finally    CloseHandle(nPHandle);  end;  _CurePath(API^.PathName);  _CurePath(API^.CMDName);  API^.PID := APID;  Result := True;end;var  nBuff: array [0..MAX_PATH] of Char;initialization  GetSystemDirectory(nBuff, SizeOf(nBuff));  _SystemRoot := nBuff;end.


