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2--点击提交生成一下文件: 各个代表什么一看就懂了、、、、、、


     打开client中的IBD中的loginin.aspx页面 用admin登陆、(admin未管理员、test为普通用户、这些在平台都可以设置)













没说的、、、点击人员管理即进入 :









var userid = "feifei", tiptime = 2000, pagesize = 10, TESTTABID = -1;  //当前主ID        var SLarray = []; //clear data obj        var endtime = "";        var nowappid="";        //common data begin        var myidarray = [];        //for-----code        myidarray.push("appid");        myidarray.push("appname");        myidarray.push("appsrc");        myidarray.push("appcount");        myidarray.push("appicopath");        myidarray.push("userid");        $(function () {            jQuery("#divadd").validationEngine(); //验证            //新增            $("#btnadd").click(function () {                appmanagertableID = -1;                $("#divadd").show();            });            //取消新增            $("#btncancel").click(function () {                $("#divadd").hide();                $("#divlist").show();            });            //保存方法            $("#btnsave").click(function () {                if (!jQuery("#divadd").validationEngine("validate")) {                    return false;                }                var temparray = [];                for (var s = 0; s < myidarray.length; s++) {                    temparray.push($("input[myid=‘" + myidarray[s] + "‘]").val());                }                $.post("userajax/appmanagertableOP.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), { "type": "add", "myidarray": temparray.toString(), "userid": userid, "appmanagertableID": appmanagertableID }, function (data) {                    endtime = ""; //时间默认值                    appmanagertableID = -1; if (data.length == 36) {                        success("保存成功!");                        for (var s = 0; s < myidarray.length; s++)                            $("input[myid=‘" + myidarray[s] + "‘]").val("");                        temparray = null;                    }                    $("#divadd").hide();                    $("#divlist").show();                    getlist(); //获取前20条                });            });            //页面第一次加载进行渲染            function load() {                var obj = $("select[name=‘SLData‘]");                $(obj).each(function () {                    $(this).chosen();                });            }            //加载页面渲染            load();            getlist();            $("#btnmore").click(function () {                getlist();            });            // 文件上传 ------------------------- begin(华丽的分隔符) ---------------------------            var button = $(‘#adlaimgFile‘), interval;            new AjaxUpload(button, {                action: ‘userajax/FileMail.ashx‘,                name: ‘imgFile‘,                onSubmit: function (file, ext) {                    this.disable();                    interval = window.setInterval(function () {                        var text = button.text();                    }, 200);                },                onComplete: function (file, response) {                    window.clearInterval(interval);                    this.enable();                    response = response.replace(/<pre>/ig, "").replace(/<\/pre>/ig, ""); //过滤                    var obj = $.parseJSON(response);                    if (obj[0].filetruename == "ferror") { alert("该文件类型不允许上传!"); return false; }                    if (obj[0].filetruename == "big") { alert("文件过大!"); return false; }                    $("#aicon").html(obj[0].filetruename);                    $("#txticonpath").val(obj[0].filepath);                    $("#imgicon").attr("src", "userajax/" + obj[0].filepath);                }            });            //全选            $("#Checkboxall").click(function () {                if ($("#Checkboxall").attr("checked") == "checked") {                    var objall = $("input[name = ‘checkboxA‘]");                    $(objall).each(function () {                        $(this).attr("checked", true);                    })                    return;                }                else {                    var objall = $("input[name = ‘checkboxA‘]");                    $(objall).each(function () {                        $(this).attr("checked", false);                    })                    return;                }            });            //反选            $("#Checkboxback").click(function () {                if ($("#Checkboxback").attr("checked") == "checked") {                    var objall = $("input[name = ‘checkboxA‘]");                    $(objall).each(function () {                        if ($(this).attr("checked") == "checked")                            $(this).attr("checked", false);                    })                    return;                }                else {                    var objall = $("input[name = ‘checkboxA‘]");                    $(objall).each(function () {                        if ($(this).attr("checked") == false)                            $(this).attr("checked", true);                    })                    return;                }            });            //确定【分配用户】            $("#lasure").click(function () {                var ob = $("input[name=‘checkboxA‘]");                var ckuserid = "";                $(ob).each(function () {                    if ($(this).attr("checked") == "checked") {                        ckuserid = ckuserid + "," + $(this).attr("id");                    }                });                if (ckuserid.indexOf(",") == -1) {                    alerttip("请选择需要使用该应用的用户");                    return false;                }                var para = { "type": "Allocation",                    "useridlist": ckuserid,                    "appid": nowappid,                    "usebegintime": $("#txtbegintime").val(),                    "useendtime": $("#txtendtime").val(),                    "trycount": $("#txttrycount").val(),                    "buymoney": $("#txtmoney").val()                };                $.post("userajax/appmanagertableOP.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), para, function (data) {                    if (data =http://www.mamicode.com/="999") {                        alerttip("登录失效!请重新登录");                        return;                    }                    if (data =http://www.mamicode.com/="1") {                        alerttip("分配成功");                        return;                    }                });            });        })//dom end        //getone        function getone(id) {            appmanagertableID = id;            $("#divadd").show();            $("#divlist").hide();            $.post("userajax/appmanagertableOP.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), { "type": "getone", "id": id }, function (data) {                var obj = $.parseJSON(data);                for (var s = 0; s < myidarray.length; s++) {                    $("input[myid=‘" + myidarray[s] + "‘]").val(obj[0][myidarray[s]]);                }                $("#imgicon").attr("src", "userajax/" + $("#txticonpath").val());            });        }         //获取10行数据        function getlist() {            //$("#tbodydatalist").html("");            $.post("userajax/appmanagertableOP.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), { "type": "getlist", "pagesize": pagesize, "endtime": endtime }, function (data) {                if (data =http://www.mamicode.com/="nodata") {                    alerttip("无数据、您可以新增数据!");                    $("#btnmore").hide();                }                var obj = $.parseJSON(data);                if (obj.length < pagesize) { $("#btnmore").hide(); }                if (endtime == "")                    $("#tbodydatalist").html("");                for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {                    $("#tbodydatalist").append("<tr id=‘tr" + obj[i].ID + "‘><td class=‘center‘>" + obj[i].appname.replace(" 0:00:00", "") + "</td><td class=‘center‘>" + obj[i].appsrc.replace(" 0:00:00", "") + "</td><td class=‘center‘>" + "<img style=‘width:32px; height:32px‘ id=‘imgicon‘ src=http://www.mamicode.com/‘userajax/" + obj[i].appicopath.replace(" 0:00:00", "") + "‘ alt=‘桌面显示ICON图标‘ />" + "</td><td class=‘center‘><a class=‘btn btn-success‘ onclick=domains(‘view‘,‘" + obj[i].ID + "‘)><i class=‘icon-zoom-in icon-white‘></i>修改</a>&nbsp;<a class=‘btn btn-info‘ onclick=domains(‘edit‘,‘" + obj[i].ID + "‘)><i class=‘icon-edit icon-white‘></i>分配</a>&nbsp;<a class=‘btn btn-danger‘ onclick=domains(‘delete‘,‘" + obj[i].ID + "‘)><i class=‘icon-trash icon-white‘></i> 删除</a></td></tr>");                    if (i == (obj.length - 1)) {                        endtime = obj[i].CreatTime;                    }                }            })        }        //domain        function domains(type, id) {            if (type == "delete") {                if (confirm("确定删除吗?") == false)                    return;                $.post("userajax/appmanagertableOP.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), { "type": "delete", "id": id, "userid": userid }, function (data) {                    if (data =http://www.mamicode.com/="0") {                        error("您没有权限删除此条数据");                        return;                    }                    else if (data =http://www.mamicode.com/="1") {                        $("#tr" + id).remove();                        success("删除成功!");                    }                });            }            //编辑            else if (type == "view") {                SLarray = [];                getone(id);            }            //分配            else if (type == "edit") {                nowappid = id;                $("#myModalA").modal("show");                GetUsingUserListData(id);            }        }        function GetUsingUserListData(id) {            $("#divchecklist").html("");            //先查询使用中的            $.post("userajax/appmanagertableOP.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), { "type": "GetUsingUserListData", "appid": id, "userid": userid }, function (data) {                if (data =http://www.mamicode.com/="999") {                    alerttip("登录失效!请重新登录");                    return;                }                var obj = $.parseJSON(data);                if (obj != null) {                    for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {                        $("#divchecklist").append("<p><input  checked=‘checked‘  type=‘checkbox‘ myname=‘" + obj[i].username + "‘ name=‘checkboxA‘ id=‘" + obj[i].userid + "‘ />" + obj[i].username + "</p>");                    }                }            });            //未使用的用户            $.post("userajax/appmanagertableOP.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), { "type": "GetUsingUserListData0", "appid": id, "userid": userid }, function (data) {                if (data =http://www.mamicode.com/="999") {                    alerttip("登录失效!请重新登录");                    return;                }                var obj = $.parseJSON(data);                if (obj != null) {                    for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {                        $("#divchecklist").append("<p><input type=‘checkbox‘  myname=‘" + obj[i].username + "‘ name=‘checkboxA‘ id=‘" + obj[i].userid + "‘ />" + obj[i].username + "</p>");                    }                    obj = null;                }            });            //未使用的用户            $.post("userajax/appmanagertableOP.aspx?" + new Date().toTimeString(), { "type": "getappidinfo", "appid": id, "userid": userid }, function (data) {                if (data =http://www.mamicode.com/="999") {                    alerttip("登录失效!请重新登录");                    return;                }                var obj = $.parseJSON(data);                if (obj != null) {                    $("#txtbegintime").val(obj[0].usebegintime.replace(" 0:00:00", ""));                    $("#txtendtime").val(obj[0].useendtime.replace(" 0:00:00", ""));                    $("#txttrycount").val(obj[0].trycounts);                    $("#txtmoney").val(obj[0].appcount);                    obj = null;                }            });        }        //判断是否为第二次点击        function SLexists(myenumid) {            for (var i = 0; i < SLarray.length; i++) {                if (SLarray[i] == myenumid)                    return true;            }            return false;        }        /////----------------------common JS-------------------------------------        //错误        var timeoutlength = 3000;        function error(name) {            $.noty({ "text": name + "</br>" + new Date().toTimeString(), "layout": "topRight", "type": "error", "timeout": timeoutlength });            return;            asyncbox.tips(name, ‘error‘, tiptime);        }        //成功        function success(name) {            $.noty({ "text": name + "</br>" + new Date().toTimeString(), "layout": "topRight", "type": "success", "timeout": timeoutlength });            return;            asyncbox.tips(name, ‘success‘, tiptime);        }        //消息        function alerttip(name) {            $.noty({ "text": name + "</br>" + new Date().toTimeString(), "layout": "topRight", "type": "success", "timeout": timeoutlength });  //aler            return;            asyncbox.tips(name, ‘alert‘, tiptime);        }        //等待        function waittips() {            asyncbox.tips("请稍后...!", ‘wait‘, tiptime * 3);        }
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using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using DBS;namespace MyDAL{    public class usertableOP    {        //实例化        DBHelper DB = new DBHelper();        //新增        public string AddDB(string ID, string userid, string userfileid, string username, string userpass, string usergroupid, string isallowlogin, string userleftmoney, string usercount, string userheadlinkname, string userlastlogintime, string guid, string usertype, string usernamenike)        {            string sql = string.Format("insert into usertable (ID,userid,userfileid,username,userpass,usergroupid,isallowlogin,userleftmoney,usercount,userheadlinkname,userlastlogintime,usertype,usernamenike) values(@ID,@userid,@userfileid,@username,@userpass,@usergroupid,@isallowlogin,@userleftmoney,@usercount,@userheadlinkname,@userlastlogintime,@usertype,@usernamenike)");            SqlParameter[] sqlpara = new SqlParameter[]                        {                      new SqlParameter("@ID",ID),                      new SqlParameter("@userid",userid),                      new SqlParameter("@userfileid",userfileid),                      new SqlParameter("@username",username),                      new SqlParameter("@userpass",userpass),                      new SqlParameter("@usergroupid",usergroupid),                      new SqlParameter("@isallowlogin",isallowlogin),                      new SqlParameter("@userleftmoney",userleftmoney),                      new SqlParameter("@usercount",usercount),                      new SqlParameter("@userheadlinkname",userheadlinkname),                      new SqlParameter("@userlastlogintime",DateTime.Now.ToString()),                      new SqlParameter("@usertype",usertype),                      new SqlParameter("@usernamenike",usernamenike)                        };            DB.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, sqlpara);            return guid;        }        //修改        public string UpdateDB(string username, string userpass, string usergroupid, string isallowlogin, string userleftmoney, string usercount, string userheadlinkname, string guid, string usertype,string usernamenike)        {            string sql = string.Format("update  usertable set username=@username,userpass=@userpass,usergroupid=@usergroupid,isallowlogin=@isallowlogin,userleftmoney=@userleftmoney,usercount=@usercount,userheadlinkname=@userheadlinkname,usertype=@usertype,usernamenike=@usernamenike  where ID=@guid");            SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[]                           {                    new SqlParameter("@username",username),                    new SqlParameter("@userpass",userpass),                    new SqlParameter("@usergroupid",usergroupid),                    new SqlParameter("@isallowlogin",isallowlogin),                    new SqlParameter("@userleftmoney",userleftmoney),                    new SqlParameter("@usercount",usercount),                    new SqlParameter("@userheadlinkname",userheadlinkname),                    new SqlParameter("@usertype",usertype),                    new SqlParameter("@usernamenike",usernamenike),                    new SqlParameter("@guid", guid)                           };            return DB.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, para).ToString();        }        //删除        public string DeleteDB(string guid)        {            string sql = string.Format("delete from usertable where ID=@ID");            SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@ID", guid) };            return DB.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, para).ToString();        }        //获取一条ID值为guid的数据        public DataTable GetOneDataByGuid(string guid)        {            string sql = string.Format("select usernamenike,usertype, ID, userid, userfileid, username, userpass, usergroupid, isallowlogin, userleftmoney, usercount, userheadlinkname, userlastlogintime, CreatTime from usertable where ID=@guid");            SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@guid", guid) };            return DB.GetDataTable(sql, para);        }        //获取用户定义数量的数据列表        public DataTable GetTopNumberData(int pagesize, string endtime)        {            string sql = string.Format("select top {0} userid,groupname,userfileid,username,userpass,usergroupid,isallowlogin,userleftmoney,usercount,userheadlinkname,userlastlogintime, usertable.ID as ID,usertable.CreatTime as CreatTime from usertable,grouptable  where  grouptable.groupid=usertable.usergroupid  and usertable.CreatTime<‘{1}‘ order by usertable.CreatTime DESC", pagesize, endtime);            return DB.GetDataTable(sql, null);        }        /// <summary>        /// 查询个人桌面上的app应用数据【ok】        /// </summary>        /// <param name="userid">用户id</param>        /// <returns></returns>        public DataTable GetList(string userid)        {            string sql = string.Format("select ID,appname,appsrc,appicopath  from appmanagertable,appmanageruser  where  appmanagertable.ID=appmanageruser.appid and appmanageruser.userid=‘{0}‘ and (usebegintime<getdate() and useendtime>getdate() or isbought=1  or  trycounts>0) ", userid);            return DB.GetDataTable(sql, null);        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取用户个人信息        /// </summary>        /// <param name="userid">用户id</param>        /// <returns></returns>        public DataTable GetUserInfo(string userid)        {            string sql = string.Format("select * from usertable where userid=‘{0}‘ ", userid);            return DB.GetDataTable(sql, null);        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取消息        /// </summary>        /// <param name="userid"></param>        /// <returns></returns>        public DataTable GetNews(string userid, int isread)        {            string sql = string.Format("select ID,fromname,content from UserNews where touserid=‘{0}‘ and isread={1} ", userid, isread);            if (isread != 1 && isread != 0)                sql = string.Format("select ID,fromname,content  from UserNews where touserid=‘{0}‘ ");            return DB.GetDataTable(sql);        }        /// <summary>        /// 查询是否存在        /// </summary>        /// <param name="name"></param>        /// <returns></returns>        public string Getexists(string name)        {            string sql = string.Format("select count(0) from usertable where username=‘{0}‘", name);            return DB.ExecuteSingleString(sql);        }    }}
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