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Default Mac OS X System Key Bindings

Keyboard viewer--full sized

 ?new lineinsertNewline:
??new line (don‘t leave form box)1insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor:
 ?new lineinsertNewline:
??new line (don‘t leave form box)1insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor:
??tab (don‘t leave form box)1insertTabIgnoringFieldEditor:
?spacechange languagescycleToNextInputScript:
??spacechange input systemtogglePlatformInputSystem:
??spacechange keyboard layoutcycleToNextInputKeyboardLayout:
 ?delete backwarddeleteBackward:
??delete backward (an accent)deleteBackwardByDecomposingPreviousCharacter:
???delete backward one worddeleteWordBackward:
??delete backward one worddeleteWordBackward:
 ?delete forwarddeleteForward:
??delete forward one worddeleteWordForward:
?esccomplete current wordcomplete:
 ?move upmoveUp:
??select upwardmoveUpAndModifySelection:
??scroll one page upscrollPageUp:
??move to the beginning of the documentmoveToBeginningOfDocument:
???select to the beginning of the documentmoveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection:
??move to the beginning of the paragraph(moveBackward:, moveToBeginningOfParagraph:)
???select to the beginning of the paragraphmoveParagraphBackwardAndModifySelection:
 ?move downmoveDown:
??select downwardmoveDownAndModifySelection:
??scroll one page downscrollPageDown:
??move to the end of the documentmoveToEndOfDocument:
???select to the end of the documentmoveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection:
??move to the end of the paragraph(moveForward:, moveToEndOfParagraph:)
???select to the end of the paragraphmoveParagraphForwardAndModifySelection:
 ?move leftmoveLeft:
??select leftwardmoveLeftAndModifySelection:
??move to the beginning of the linemoveToBeginningOfLine:
???select to the beginning of the linemoveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection:
??move to the beginning of the linemoveToBeginningOfLine:
???select to the beginning of the linemoveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection:
???switch writing direction to right-to-leftchangeBaseWritingDirectionToRTL:
??move one word leftmoveWordLeft:
???select one word leftwardmoveWordLeftAndModifySelection:
 ?move rightmoveRight:
??select rightwardmoveRightAndModifySelection:
??move to the end of the linemoveToEndOfLine:
???select to the end of the linemoveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection:
??move to the end of the linemoveToEndOfLine:
???select to the end of the linemoveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection:
???switch writing direction to left-to-right textchangeBaseWritingDirectionToLTR:
??move one word rightmoveWordRight:
???select one word rightwardmoveWordRightAndModifySelection:
 scroll to the beginning of the documentscrollToBeginningOfDocument:
?select to the beginning of the documentmoveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection:
 scroll to the end of the documentscrollToEndOfDocument:
?select to the end of the documentmoveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection:
 ?scroll one page upscrollPageUp:
??select one page uppageUpAndModifySelection:
??move one page uppageUp:
 ?scroll one page downscrollPageDown:
??select one page downpageDownAndModifySelection:
??move one page downpageDown:
?Amove to the beginning of the paragraphmoveToBeginningOfParagraph:
?Bmove backwardmoveBackward:
?Ddelete forwarddeleteForward:
?Emove to the end of the paragraphmoveToEndOfParagraph:
?Fmove forwardmoveForward:
?Hdelete backwarddeleteBackward:
?Kdelete to the end of the paragraphdeleteToEndOfParagraph:
?Lcenter the selection in the text areacenterSelectionInVisibleArea:
?Nmove downmoveDown:
?Osplit the current line(insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor:, moveBackward:)
?Pmove upmoveUp:
?Ttranspose letterstranspose:
?Vmove one page downpageDown:
?Yyank back ‘killed’ textyank:
 F5complete current wordcomplete:
** Not on Apple keyboards **
 Backspacedelete backwarddeleteBackward:
?Backspacedelete backward one worddeleteWordBackward:
 Linefeednew lineinsertNewline:
?Linefeednew line (don‘t leave form box)1insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor:

  1. The commands invoked by ‘? ?’ and ‘? ?’ are designed to avoid leaving the current text box, as happens when pressing ‘?’, which usually tabs to the next form field, or ‘?’, which usually submits the form.

US Keyboard Layout with Modifier Keys

Keyboard viewer--full sized

Keyboard viewer--full sized, shift key

Keyboard viewer--full sized, option key

Keyboard viewer--full sized, option+shift