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Page Cache buffer Cache



  1. Jump up ↑ The Buffer Cache (Section 15.3) page 348, Linux-Kernel Manual: Guidelines for the Design and Implementation of Kernel 2.6, Robert Love, Addison-Wesley, 2005
  2. Jump up ↑ Linux 2.6. – 32 Per-backing-device based writeback (kernelnewbies.org)
  3. Jump up ↑ Clearing The Linux Buffer Cache (blog.straylightrun.net, 03.12.2009)
  4. Jump up ↑ Improving Linux performance by preserving Buffer Cache State (insights.oetiker.ch)

Additional Information

  • Page Cache, the Affair Between Memory and Files (Blog)
  • Linux buffer cache state (Blog)
  • The Linux Page Cache and pdflush: Theory of Operation and Tuning for Write-Heavy Loads (Last update 8/08/2007)
  • drop_caches (linuxinsight.com)
  • Examining Linux 2.6 Page-Cache Performance (linuxinsight.com)
  • Page cache (en.wikipedia.org)

Page Cache buffer Cache