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Moses manual 中Basline System 2.3.4节用IRSTLM创建语言模型的命令有误


 ~/irstlm/bin/compile-lm     --text yes    news-commentary-v8.fr-en.lm.en.gz    news-commentary-v8.fr-en.arpa.en


compile-lm - compiles an ARPA format LM into an IRSTLM format oneUSAGE:       compile-lm [options] <input-file.lm> [output-file.blm]DESCRIPTION:       compile-lm reads a standard LM file in ARPA format and produces       a compiled representation that the IRST LM toolkit can quickly       read and process. LM file can be compressed.OPTIONS:Parameters:    Help:      print this help    d:      verbose output for --eval option; default is 0    debug:      verbose output for --eval option; default is 0    dict_load_factor:      sets the load factor for ngram cache; it should be a positive real value; default is 0    dub:      dictionary upperbound to compute OOV word penalty: default 10^7    e:      computes perplexity of the specified text file    eval:      computes perplexity of the specified text file    f:      filter a binary language model with a word list    filter:      filter a binary language model with a word list    h:      print this help    i:      builds an inverted n-gram binary table for fast access; default if false    invert:      builds an inverted n-gram binary table for fast access; default if false    keepunigrams:      filter by keeping all unigrams in the table, default  is true    ku:      filter by keeping all unigrams in the table, default  is true    l:      maximum level to load from the LM; if value is larger than the actual LM order, the latter is taken    level:      maximum level to load from the LM; if value is larger than the actual LM order, the latter is taken    memmap:      uses memory map to read a binary LM    mm:      uses memory map to read a binary LM    ngram_load_factor:      sets the load factor for ngram cache; it should be a positive real value; default is false    r:      computes N random calls on the specified text file    randcalls:      computes N random calls on the specified text file    s:      computes log-prob scores of n-grams from standard input    score:      computes log-prob scores of n-grams from standard input    sentence:      computes perplexity at sentence level (identified through the end symbol)    t:      output is again in text format; default is false    text:      output is again in text format; default is false    tmpdir:      directory for temporary computation, default is either the environment variable TMP if defined or "/tmp")

也就是说 --text参数后面无需再加yes,不知道为什么Hieu加了yes,可能是版本不同?今晚给mailing list发个邮件试试

Moses manual 中Basline System 2.3.4节用IRSTLM创建语言模型的命令有误