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Codeforces Round #232 (Div. 1)


A. On Number of Decompositions into Multipliers

题意:n个数a1,a2, a3...an求n个数相乘与a1*a2*a3*a4...an相等的排列个数。

分析:首先应该对ai分解质因数,求出所有ai中质因数及个数,枚举排列中每个数包含的质因数个数,例如质因数qi,有ni个,相应的排列中数包含质因数qi个数设为x1,x2,....xn, x1+x2+x3..+xn = ni , 那么对于qi共有C(ni+n-1, n-1)种情况。简单来说就是将ni分成n部分,这样想:有ni个球,需要分成n部分,也就是在n个球中插入n-1根木棍,这样分成n部分就相当于ni+n-1中选n-1个位置。最后把所有质因子可能的划分情况相乘起来就行了。



 1 #include <bits/stdc++.h> 2 #define in freopen("solve_in.txt", "r", stdin); 3 #define bug(x) printf("Line %d : >>>>>>>\n", (x)); 4 #define pb push_back 5  6 using namespace std; 7 typedef long long LL; 8 typedef map<int, int> Mps; 9 const int M = (int)1e9+7;10 const int maxn = 555;11 const int maxm = (int)1e5 + 100;12 LL inv[maxn];13 int a[maxn];14 Mps Div;15 vector<int> dv;16 17 LL powmod(LL a, LL b) {18     LL res = 1;19     while(b) {20         if(b&1)21             res = (res*a)%M;22         b >>= 1;23         a = (a*a)%M;24     }25     return res;26 }27 void getInv(int n) {28     for(int i = 1; i < n; i++) {29         inv[i] = powmod(i, M-2);30     }31 }32 void getDiv(int x) {33     int m = (int)sqrt(x+.5);34     for(int i = 2; i <= m; i++) {35         if(x%i == 0) {36             if(Div[i] == 0)37                 dv.pb(i);38             while(x%i == 0) {39                 Div[i]++;40                 x/=i;41             }42         }43     }44     if(x > 1) {45         if(Div[x] == 0)46             dv.pb(x);47         Div[x]++;48     }49 }50 LL nCr(LL n, LL m) {51     LL res = 1;52     for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {53         res = res*(n-i)%M*inv[i+1]%M;54         if(res < 0)55             res += M;56     }57     return (res + M)%M;58 }59 int main() {60 61     getInv(maxn);62     int n;63     scanf("%d", &n);64     for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {65         scanf("%d", a+i);66         getDiv(a[i]);67     }68     LL ans = 1;69     for(int i = 0; i < (int)dv.size(); i++) {70         int x = dv[i];71         ans = ans*nCr(Div[x]+n-1, n-1)%M;72     }73     cout<<ans<<endl;74     return 0;75 }
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B. On Sum of Fractions

题意:给定n, u(i)表示不超过i的最大质数, v(i)表示大于i的最小质数。求对于所有的2<= i <= n , sum{1/(u(i)*v(i)}, 最简分式结果。


列出n的前几个数的1/u(i)*v(i),发现对于两个相邻素数pi, pi+1间的数i, 1/u(i)*v(i)结果是一样的。也就是说 对于  pi <= x   < pi+1, sum{1/u(x)v(x)},化简后就是, 1/u(x)-1/v(x), 得到这个结论后,每次找到大于n的一个素数pi+1,结果就变成两部分, x < pi, 和 pi <= x < n, 第一部分化简就是1/2-1/pi ,第二部分:n-pi+1/(pi*pi+1), 两者之和合并一下就会得到一个表达式:2*(n+1)-2*(pi+pi+1)-pi*pi+1/(2*pi*pi+1)。求质数,用Miller-Rabin法判断前后两个质数就可以了。


 1 #include <bits/stdc++.h> 2 #define in freopen("solve_in.txt", "r", stdin); 3 #define bug(x) printf("Line %d : >>>>>>>\n", (x)); 4 #define pb push_back 5  6 using namespace std; 7 typedef pair<int, int> PII; 8 typedef long long LL; 9 typedef map<int, int> Mps;10 11 LL powmod(LL a, LL b, LL c) {12     LL res = 1;13     while(b) {14         if(b&1) res = res*a%c;15         b >>= 1;16         a = (a*a)%c;17     }18     return res;19 }20 bool test(int n, int a, int d) {21     if(n == 2)return true;22     if(n == a) return true;23     if((n&1) == 0) return false;24     while(!(d&1)) d >>= 1;25     int t = powmod(a, d, n);26     while((d != n-1) && (t != 1) && (t != n-1)) {27         t = (LL)t*t%n;28         d <<= 1;29     }30     return (t == n-1) || (d&1) == 1;31 32 }33 bool isPrime(int n) {34     if(n < 2) return false;35     int a[] = {2, 3, 61};36     for(int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) if(!test(n, a[i], n-1)) return false;37     return true;38 }39 pair<LL, LL> getPrime(LL n) {40     LL x = n;41     x++;42     PII ans;43     while(1) {44         if(isPrime(x)) {45             ans.first = x;46             break;47         }48         x++;49     }50     x = n;51     while(1) {52         if(isPrime(x)) {53             ans.second = x;54             break;55         }56         x--;57     }58     return ans;59 }60 LL getGcd(LL a, LL b) {61     return !b ? a : getGcd(b, a%b);62 }63 int main() {64 65     int T;66     int n;67     for(int t = scanf("%d", &T); t <= T; t++) {68         scanf("%d", &n);69         if(n == 2) {70             puts("1/6");71         } else {72             PII u = getPrime(n);73             LL x = u.first, y = u.second;74             LL a = 2*(n+1)-2*(x+y)+x*y;75             LL b = 2*x*y;76             LL c = getGcd(a, b);77             printf("%I64d/%I64d\n", a/c, b/c);78         }79     }80     return 0;81 }
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C. On Changing Tree


Codeforces Round #232 (Div. 1)