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第一篇博客 用笨办法学python-14 提示和传递

# 代码如下:

usr_name = input("")
script = input("")
prompt = ‘> ‘
print("hi %s,i‘m the %s script."% (usr_name,script))
print("i‘d like to ask u some questions.")
print("do u like me %s ?"% usr_name )
likes = input(prompt)

print("where do u live %s?"% usr_name)
lives = input(prompt)

print("what kind of computer do you have?")
computer = input(prompt)

alright. so u said %r about liking me.
u live in %r . not sure where that is.
and u have a %r computer. nice!
%(likes, lives, computer)



from sys import argv

script,usr_name = argv


usr_name = input()

script = input()


第一篇博客 用笨办法学python-14 提示和传递