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(1)if表达式有返回值,如val result = if(x>0) 0 else -1 ,则result值可能为0或-1
val result = if(x>0) 0 else "error"


val result = {val x=2;val y=3;pow(x,y)}


for(i <- 1 to 10){ println(i) }
for(i <- 1 to 10) yield i%3 //得到Vector(1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1)


def abs(x:Double) = if(x>=0) x else -x


def check(path:String,name:String="home")
def sum(num:Int*)={ val count = 0 for(i <-num){ count +=i } }
函数得到的是一个序列,但是不代表可以传入一个序列。如sum(1 to 5)这种写法是错误的。


val a = 0 lazy val b = a*10


try{ process }catch{ case e:Throwable => some process case _ => other process }finally{ }
