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『Lufylegend for HTML5 Game』Chapter 1: Preparation

1, What‘s lufylegend.js

Lufylegend.js is a HTML5 Game engine. The grammar of lufylegend is similar to ActionScript‘s. Such as LSprite (Sprite),  LBitmap (Bitmap), LBitmapData (BitmapData), LLoader (Loader).

Another benefit is making game with OOP. In order to make physical game, lufylegend has packaged Box2dWeb.

Problems about platform always annoy developer, but lufylegend can solve these problem, you just use the API and the problems will be resolved.

As you know, using HTML5 Canvas API to make game is very difficult, so a good engine can make your developing more easy. Someone who has been using lufylegend said: " Lufylegend is so easy, with it I make a game in only one day."

The Poster of Lufylegend


2, How to get and learn lufylegend

The official website of lufylegend provide you with the library. There is some link.

Official Website: http://lufylegend.com/lufylegend

Github: https://github.com/lufylegend/lufylegend.js

English API Docs: http://lufylegend.com/api/en_US/out/index.html


3, Something you must need to know before learning lufylegend

Ⅰ. You must know the basic knowledge of JavaScript.

Ⅱ. You need a good browser that support HTML5, like Google Chrome, FireFox, Safari, etc.


4, Coming soon

We know the classic program in the programming world named Hello World,  in the next chapter, we will learn how to make this program. Stay tuned~

『Lufylegend for HTML5 Game』Chapter 1: Preparation