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  -- Desc :实现在LUA_PATH中的lua文件中遍历寻找没用到PNG_PATH路径下的png图片,并将其打印出来。
-- Date :12:49:28 2014-09-04
1 print
("Lua Script Start") 2 3 function getFileName( path ) 4 len = string.len(PNG_PATH); 5 return string.sub(path, len+2) --  remove "/" 6 end 7 8 function isInIt( file,name ) 9 --print(file .. " -- " .. name )10 for line in io.lines(file) do11 if isContain(line , name) then 12 return true;13 end14 end15 return false;16 end17 18 function isContain( line , str )19 return string.find(line , str);20 end21 22 PNG_PATH = "user/image" 23 getPngFileTable = io.popen(find * .. PNG_PATH)24 25 pngFileTable = {};26 for file in getPngFileTable:lines() do 27 if string.find(file,"%.png$") then28 fileName = getFileName(file);29 print(fileName)30 table.insert(pngFileTable,fileName);31 end32 end33 print("png count is :"..#pngFileTable);34 35 LUA_PATH = "user/scripts"36 getLuaFileInfo = io.popen(find * .. LUA_PATH)37 luaFileTable = {};38 for file in getLuaFileInfo:lines() do 39 if string.find(file,"%.lua$") then40 --print(file)41 table.insert(luaFileTable,file);42 end43 end44 45 local pairs = pairs46 for _,name in pairs(pngFileTable) do47 flag = 0;48 for _,file in pairs(luaFileTable) do49 if isInIt(file , name) then 50 flag = 1;51 break;52 end53 end54 if flag == 0 then 55 print(name)56 end57 end58 59 print("Lua Script End!")60 61 --Desc: lua io.popen ([prog [, mode]])62 --Starts program prog in a separated process and returns a file handle that 63 --you can use to read data from this program (if mode is "r", the default) 64 --or to write data to this program (if mode is "w").65 --This function is system dependent and is not available on all platforms.


1: io.popen()简易说明  Lua中,os.execute可以执行dos命令,但是返回的是系统状态码,默认输出


  local t = io.popen(‘svn help‘)

  local a = t:read("*all")   --a返回一个字符串,内容是svn help的内容

  如果想执行某命令或程序可选os.execute() , 如果还想捕捉该执行结果可用io.popen(),得到的是userdata数据类型;

  eg:复制文件 os.execute("copy" .. originalPath .. "," .. backupPath)

2: io.popen() 是跨平台的,却也跟系统有关,在windows下无法取得访问文件夹的权限,屡次尝试都没成功,liunx和mac下可以;

3: 目前还不得知,使用io.poen()遍历的png图片竟然会 遍历了两边,造成结果是一半为脏数据,记载此文时还在查找原因,不解啊;

