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一个应用场景需要用到倒计时的时分秒,比如新浪微博授权有效期剩余: 7天16小时47分钟42秒……

在PHP环境下,PHP函数 gmstrftime() 可实现将秒数转换成时分秒的转换,先看例子:

define("BJTIMESTAMP" , time()); //服务器当前时间$expires_in	= ‘1439577160‘;//到期时间$expires	= $expires_in - BJTIMESTAMP;function time2second($seconds){	$seconds = (int)$seconds;	if( $seconds<86400 ){//如果不到一天		$format_time = gmstrftime(‘%H时%M分%S秒‘, $seconds);	}else{		$time = explode(‘ ‘, gmstrftime(‘%j %H %M %S‘, $seconds));//Array ( [0] => 04 [1] => 14 [2] => 14 [3] => 35 ) 		$format_time = ($time[0]-1).‘天‘.$time[1].‘时‘.$time[2].‘分‘.$time[3].‘秒‘;	}	return $format_time;}echo "新浪微博授权有效期剩余: ". time2second($expires) . ‘<hr>‘;

注:gmstrftime() 函数返回的天数是一年中的第几天,因此时间超过一年,请使用下述代码。


function time2second($seconds){	$seconds = (int)$seconds;	if( $seconds>3600 ){		if( $seconds>24*3600 ){			$days		= (int)($seconds/86400);			$days_num	= $days."天";			$seconds	= $seconds%86400;//取余		}		$hours = intval($seconds/3600);		$minutes = $seconds%3600;//取余下秒数		$time = $days_num.$hours."小时".gmstrftime(‘%M分钟%S秒‘, $minutes);	}else{		$time = gmstrftime(‘%H小时%M分钟%S秒‘, $seconds);	}	return $time;}echo "新浪微博授权有效期剩余: ". time2second($expires) . ‘<hr>‘;

最后说一下函数 gmstrftime() 的用法及参数:




format	必要参数;指定了返回结果的方法:%a - abbreviated weekday name 	缩略的表示星期几的名称%A - full weekday name 	表示星期几的全称%b - abbreviated month name 	月份简称%B - full month name 	月份全称%c - preferred date and time representation 	首选的日期和时间表示法%C - century number (the year divided by 100, range 00 to 99) 	表示世纪的数字(年份除以100,范围从00到99)%d - day of the month (01 to 31) 	一个月包含的天数(从01到31)%D - same as %m/%d/%y 	时间格式,与%m/%d/%y表示法相同%e - day of the month (1 to 31) 	一个月包含的天数,数字前不包括0(从1到31)%g - like %G, but without the century 	与%G雷同,但除去“世纪[century]”%G - 4-digit year corresponding to the ISO week number (see %V). 	与ISO星期数相对应的4位数年份(见%V)%h - same as %b 	与%b相同%H - hour, using a 24-hour clock (00 to 23) 	小时,使用24小时时钟(00到23)%I - hour, using a 12-hour clock (01 to 12) 	小时,使用12小时时钟(01到12)%j - day of the year (001 to 366) 	一年的天数(001到366)%m - month (01 to 12) 	月份(01到12)%M - minute 	分钟%n - newline character 	换行符%p - either am or pm according to the given time value 	与给定的时间值相对应的am或pm%r - time in a.m. and p.m. notation 	用am或pm表示给定的时间%R - time in 24 hour notation 	用24小时制表示的时间%S - second 	秒%t - tab character 	tab键/制表符%T - current time, equal to %H:%M:%S 	当前时间,与“%H:%M:%S”组合相同%u - weekday as a number (1 to 7), Monday=1. Warning: In Sun Solaris Sunday=1 	以数字形式表示星期几(1到7),Monday=1。提醒:在SUN Sloaris系统中,Sunday=1%U - week number of the current year, starting with the first Sunday as the first day of the first week 	当今年份中包含的周的总数,以第一个星期日作为第一周的第一天%V - The ISO 8601 week number of the current year (01 to 53), where week 1 is the first week that has at least 4 days in the current year, and with Monday as the first day of the week 	在当今年份中所包含的ISO 8601格式下的周的总数(01到53),week 1表示第一周,以周一作为每周的第一天%W - week number of the current year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week 	当前年份中包含的周的总数,以第一个星期一作为第一周的第一天%w - day of the week as a decimal, Sunday=0 	以数字的形式表示星期几,Sunday[星期日]=0%x - preferred date representation without the time 	选取除去时间[time]的日期[date]%X - preferred time representation without the date 	选取除去日期[date]的时间[time]%y - year without a century (range 00 to 99) 	只显示包含年份的数字,不包含表示世纪的数字(00-99)%Y - year including the century 	显示包含世纪数字的年份(即:四位数字表示的年份,如:1999,2001等)%Z or %z - time zone or name or abbreviation 	前者为时区名称;后者为时区名称的简称%% - a literal % character 	输出“%”字符串timestamp	可选参数。指定日期或时间的格式。如果没有指定时间戳[timestamp],那么将默认使用当前的GMT时间。

提示:gmstrftime()函数与strftime()函数用法大致相同,唯一的不同点是gmstrftime()函数返回的格林威治时间(GMT:Greenwich Mean Time)


4 条评论 »

  • 技术分享
    2016/09/21 at 15:21:24
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    • 技术分享
      2016/10/13 at 17:15:07
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      @开到荼蘼 gmstrftime()返回一年中的第几天,超过一年请使用第二个函数。

