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mysql 语法大全
添加一个用户对所有数据库有增删改查的功能 用命令grant(英文授权的意思)
格式为:grant 权限 on 数据库.* to 新增用户@登录主机 identfied by "密码";
例如增加用户 paddy 密码123456 只在本地对所有数据库具有增删改查的权限
grant select,insert,update,delete on *.* to paddy@localhost identfied by "123456";
例如:grant select,insert,update,delete on *.* to paddy@"" identfied by "123456";
show databases;
create database paddy;
drop database paddy;
use paddy;
drop database if exists paddy;
3.表 table
show tables;
create table student(
id int auto_increment primary key,(id自增长的意思)
name varchar(50),
sex varchar(20),
date varchar(50),
content varchar(100)
)default charset=utf8;
dorp table student;
describe student; #可以简写为desc student;
insert into student values(null,‘aa‘,‘男‘,‘1988-10-2‘,‘......‘);
select * from student;
select name from student;
update 表名 set 列名和修改的字段 地点
update student set nane="paddy" where id=4;
delete from student where id=4;
且 and
格式 select * from 表名 where 列名 区间 and 列名 区间;
select * from student where date>‘1988-1-2‘ and date<‘1988-12-1‘;
或 or
select * from student where data>‘1988-1-01‘or date<‘1965-01-22‘;
select * from student where date between ‘1988-1-2‘ and ‘1988-12-1‘;
in 查询集合内的数据
select * from student where id in {1,5,9};
表按升序排序 asc 表按降序排序 desc
格式:select * from 表名 order by asc;
select * from student order by asc;
select * from student order by desc;
格式:select * from 表名 limit m,m;
select * from student limit 2,5; 显示3-5条数据
统计表中总数 count(*)
select count(*) from student;
select count(id) from student;
格式 alter table 旧的表名 rename to 新的表名;
alter table a rename to b;
#格式:alter table tbl_name rename to new_name
alter table test rename to test_rename;
#格式:alter table tablename add columnname type;/alter table tablename add(columnname type);
alter table test add columnname varchar(20);
alter table tablename change columnname newcolumnname type; #修改一个表的字段名
alter table test change name uname varchar(50);
select * from test;
#表position 增加列test
alter table position add(test char(10));
#表position 修改列test
alter table position modify test char(20) not null;
#表position 修改列test 默认值
alter table position alter test set default ‘system‘;
#表position 去掉test 默认值
alter table position alter test drop default;
#表position 去掉列test
alter table position drop column test;
#表depart_pos 删除主键
alter table depart_pos drop primary key;
#表depart_pos 增加主键
alter table depart_pos add primary key PK_depart_pos
load data local infile "D:/mysql.txt" into table MYTABLE;
source d:/mysql.sql; #或者 /. d:/mysql.sql;
mysql 语法大全