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 1 from argparse import ArgumentParser 2  3 p = ArgumentParser(description=eg:  $python mm_crawler -n 8 -o "D:/mm_pics" -l 500  4                                 this command means that your app will create 8 coroutines to download 500 pictures, and save them to D:/mm_pics) 5 p.add_argument("-n", type = int, help="Set number of coroutines (default:10)", default=10) 6 p.add_argument("-o", type = str, help=Set pictures save path (default:./pics/), default="./pics/") 7 p.add_argument("-l", type = int, help="number of limits of picture to crawl (default:0, no limit)", default=0) 8  9 # p.print_help()10 args = p.parse_args()11 args = vars(args)12 13 #把这些值写到conf.py中14 with open("conf.py",wb) as conf_file:15     conf_file.write("LIMIT=%s\n" % str(args[l]))16     conf_file.write("P_THREAD_NUM=%s\n" % str(args[n]))17     conf_file.write("SAVE_DIR=‘%s‘\n" % args[o])18 conf_file.close()19 20 # print(args)

