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gremlin driver/server 基于netty的 session实现

gremlin-server中 实现session需要两点保证:

  • session 绑定了 变量列表;
  • 每一个session必须 在同一台 server进程的同一个 线程中运行。 这是又tinkpop graph transaction的threadlocal 机制要求的。


1.  SessionOpProcessor.java 中维护了 id -》 session的列表, 每个session 维护 Binding变量, 这即是 java ScriptEngine 的binding。

protected static ConcurrentHashMap<String, Session> sessions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();



2. gremlin driver 端每一个session 固定在一台机器:Client.java

         * Randomly choose an available {@link Host} to bind the session too and initialize the {@link ConnectionPool}.
        protected void initializeImplementation() {
            // chooses an available host at random
            final List<Host> hosts = cluster.allHosts()
            if (hosts.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("No available host in the cluster");
            final Host host = hosts.get(0);
            connectionPool = new ConnectionPool(host, this, Optional.of(1), Optional.of(1));


3. 每个session 有自己的 SingleThreadExecutor,保证单线程执行. Session.java

     * By binding the session to run ScriptEngine evaluations in a specific thread, each request will respect
     * the ThreadLocal nature of Graph implementations.
    private final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(threadFactoryWorker);


4. 保证 每个Encoder 都在session对应的thread执行。 这样保证了 netty的pipeline 在同一个thread执行:

// if the request came in on a session then the serialization must occur in that same thread, except
// in the case of an error where we can free the session executor from having to do that job. the
// problem here is that if the session executor is used in the case of an error and the executor is
// blocked by parallel requests then there is no thread available to serialize the result and send
// back the response as the workers get all tied up behind the session executor.
if (null == session || !o.getStatus().getCode().isSuccess())
     serialized = new Frame(serializer.serializeResponseAsBinary(o, ctx.alloc()));
     serialized = new Frame(session.getExecutor().submit(() -> serializer.serializeResponseAsBinary(o, ctx.alloc())).get());



 // Tell the pipeline to run MyBusinessLogicHandler‘s event handler methods
 // in a different thread than an I/O thread so that the I/O thread is not blocked by
 // a time-consuming task.
 // If your business logic is fully asynchronous or finished very quickly, you don‘t
 // need to specify a group.
 pipeline.addLast(group, "handler", new MyBusinessLogicHandler());


gremlin driver/server 基于netty的 session实现