首页 > 代码库 > Python对比两个MongoDB数据库里的Collection数据


 1 #coding=utf-8 2 from pymongo import MongoClient 3  4 def get_all_ids(collection): 5     for each in collection.find(): 6         yield each[_id] 7          8 def compare_dict(this, other): 9     del this[_id]10     del other[_id]11     return this == other12 13 def compare(_first_collection, _second_collection):14     print Total documents are (first:%d, second:%d) % (_first_collection.count(), _second_collection.count())15     for _id in get_all_ids(_first_collection):16         _first = _first_collection.find_one({_id:_id})17         _second = _second_collection.find_one({_id:_id})18         if not (_first and _second):19             print document with ObjectId("%s") not in both databases... % _id20             continue21         if not compare_dict(_first, _second):22             print document with ObjectId("%s") not same in both databases... % _id23 24 if __name__ == __main__:  25     client1 = MongoClient(localhost, 27017)26     client2 = MongoClient(localhost, 19871)27     try:28         compare(client1.NewRisDatabase.NewRisCollection, client2.NewRisDatabase.NewRisCollection)29     except Exception as e:30         print e.message31     finally:32         client1.close()33         client2.close()

