首页 > 代码库 > python之plt画图之格式化颜色和线形


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

在ipython中输入 plt.plot?

The following format string characters are accepted to control

the line style or marker:

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character           description

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``‘-‘``             solid line style

``‘--‘``            dashed line style

``‘-.‘``            dash-dot line style

``‘:‘``             dotted line style

``‘.‘``             point marker

``‘,‘``             pixel marker

``‘o‘``             circle marker

``‘v‘``             triangle_down marker

``‘^‘``             triangle_up marker

``‘<‘``             triangle_left marker

``‘>‘``             triangle_right marker

``‘1‘``             tri_down marker

``‘2‘``             tri_up marker

``‘3‘``             tri_left marker

``‘4‘``             tri_right marker

``‘s‘``             square marker

``‘p‘``             pentagon marker

``‘*‘``             star marker

``‘h‘``             hexagon1 marker

``‘H‘``             hexagon2 marker

``‘+‘``             plus marker

``‘x‘``             x marker

``‘D‘``             diamond marker

``‘d‘``             thin_diamond marker

``‘|‘``             vline marker

``‘_‘``             hline marker

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The following color abbreviations are supported:

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character   color

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‘b‘         blue

‘g‘         green

‘r‘         red

‘c‘         cyan

‘m‘         magenta

‘y‘         yellow

‘k‘         black

‘w‘         white

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