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using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.IO;using System.Net;using System.Text;using System.Text.RegularExpressions;namespace NetCapture{    /// <summary>    /// base类。以后我们可能写别的类似请求,通过继承此类,可以省下一些代码。    /// </summary>    public abstract class GetScraperBase    {        //正则表达式的匹配模式        protected abstract string Pattern { get; }        //如何过滤正则表达式匹配的结果        protected abstract Dictionary<string, string> FilterMatch(Match match);        //抓取网页上的内容        public Dictionary<string, string> Scrape(string url, WebProxy proxy = null)        {                var request = WebRequest.Create(url);                if (proxy != null)                {                    request.Proxy = proxy;//可能你在一些环境上不了网,得使用代理服务器                }                var response = request.GetResponse();                var stream = response.GetResponseStream();                var responseReader = new StreamReader(stream);                var content = responseReader.ReadToEnd();                var match = Regex.Match(content, Pattern, RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);                return FilterMatch(match);                   }    }    public class YouDaoScaper : GetScraperBase    {        protected override string Pattern        {            get            {                /* Target result in response:                         <div class="trans-container">                         <ul>                         <li>n. 试验;检验</li>                         <li>vt. 试验;测试</li>                         <li>vi. 试验;测试</li>                         <li>n. (Test)人名;(英)特斯特</li>                        </ul>                 *                  * there are two groups in this pattern, first is ‘<li>(?<content>.+)</li>[\r\n\s]*‘                 * it‘s an unnamed group, it has four capture:                 * first is ‘<li>n. 试验;检验</li>‘ and so on.                 *                  * another group is and named group ‘content‘ , it has four capture, in this sampe:                 * capture 1 is ‘n. 试验;检验‘ and so on.                */                return @"<div\sclass=""trans-container"">[\r\n\s]*<ul>[\r\n\s]*(<li>(?<content>.+)</li>[\r\n\s]*)*</ul>";            }        }        protected override Dictionary<string, string> FilterMatch(Match match)        {             var dict=new Dictionary<string, string>();            var content = "";            var group=match.Groups["content"];            if(group.Success)            {                                foreach (Capture capture in group.Captures)                {                    content += (capture.Value + "\n");                }            }            dict["content"]=content;            return dict;        }        public string QueryWord(string word)        {            var url= "http://dict.youdao.com/search?q="+word;            var dict = Scrape(url);            return dict["content"];        }    }}
