首页 > 代码库 > 同步的数据过大,导致shareplex超时,并自动kill掉了同步会话



Notice 2014-08-05 15:14:54.856107 14240 3892311808 Poster: Operation ODR_DDL on table "CMUSER"."TBL_CM_PACKAGEPUSHSESSION_R" is taking longer than 5 seconds. SID/s
erial: 719/35771 Subqueue: 1. (posting from dbuis, queue dbuissplex, to dbuis) [module opo]
Notice 2014-08-05 15:15:11.425538 14240 3838027520 s:1 Poster: Replicated DDL ".alter table CMUSER.TBL_CM_PACKAGEPUSHSESSION_R. add constr..." (posting from dbuis
, queue dbuissplex, to dbuis) [module opo]
Notice 2014-08-05 15:19:12.820272 14240 3838027520 s:1 Poster: Replicated DDL ".alter table TBL_CM_USERSERVICE logging." (posting from dbuis, queue dbuissplex, to
dbuis) [module opo]
Notice 2014-08-05 15:19:49.960636 14240 3892311808 Poster: Operation ODR_DDL on table is taking longer than 5 seconds. SID/serial: 719/35771 Subqueue: 1. (postin
g from dbuis, queue dbuissplex, to dbuis) [module opo]
Notice 2014-08-05 15:19:57.267446 14240 3838027520 s:1 Poster: Replicated DDL ".create index CMUSER.IDX_WLVI_FK_DATE on CMUSER.TBL_CM_WHITE..." (posting from dbuis
, queue dbuissplex, to dbuis) [module opo]
Notice 2014-08-05 15:20:23.243563 14240 3838027520 s:1 Poster: Replicated DDL ".create index CMUSER.IDX_RERE_UID_FK_TYPE on CMUSER.TBL_CM_R..." (posting from dbuis
, queue dbuissplex, to dbuis) [module opo]
Notice 2014-08-05 15:20:59.973385 14240 3892311808 Poster: Operation ODR_DDL on table is taking longer than 5 seconds. SID/serial: 719/35771 Subqueue: 1. (postin
g from dbuis, queue dbuissplex, to dbuis) [module opo]
Notice 2014-08-05 15:21:38.667181 14240 3838027520 s:1 Poster: Replicated DDL ".create index CMUSER.IDX_CM_PACKAGESPUSH_H_N on CMUSER.TBL_C..." (posting from dbuis
, queue dbuissplex, to dbuis) [module opo]
Notice 2014-08-05 15:26:13.815592 14240 3892311808 Poster: Operation ODR_DDL on table is taking longer than 5 seconds. SID/serial: 719/35771 Subqueue: 1. (postin
g from dbuis, queue dbuissplex, to dbuis) [module opo]
Warning 2014-08-05 15:27:08.728807 14240 8869728 Poster: Main thread is waiting 59 seconds for session -1 to commit before processing next operation. (posting from
dbuis, queue dbuissplex, to dbuis) [module opo]
Notice 2014-08-05 15:27:08.855210 14240 8869728 Poster: No locks found (posting from dbuis, queue dbuissplex, to dbuis) [module osp]
Notice 2014-08-05 15:27:09.412913 14240 3892311808 Poster: Operation ODR_DDL on table is taking longer than 61 seconds. SID/serial: 719/35771 Subqueue: 1. (posti
ng from dbuis, queue dbuissplex, to dbuis) [module opo]
Warning 2014-08-05 15:28:08.864055 14240 8869728 Poster: Main thread is waiting 119 seconds for session -1 to commit before processing next operation. (posting from
 dbuis, queue dbuissplex, to dbuis) [module opo]
Notice 2014-08-05 15:28:08.983965 14240 8869728 Poster: No locks found (posting from dbuis, queue dbuissplex, to dbuis) [module osp]
Notice 2014-08-05 15:28:09.508029 14240 3892311808 Poster: Operation ODR_DDL on table is taking longer than 121 seconds. SID/serial: 719/35771 Subqueue: 1. (post
ing from dbuis, queue dbuissplex, to dbuis) [module opo]
Show post 查看
Target         Status                      Posted                     Since                     Total             Backlog
----------        ---------------                 ----------             ------------------                  ----------              ----------
o.dbuis     Running                          0                 19-Aug-14 13:05:42       10321921         10318726
发现Operations Posted这项的值为空,说明此时没有上传
sp_ctrl>set param SP_OPO_MAX_OEXN_TIME 3600
