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InstallScript MSI不足:

在InstallScript MSI中,在OnFirstUIBefore()执行完成后,即安装完成,这个时候需要做后续的操作,如写注册表等,这些操作要在OnFirstUIAfter()中执行。

如果此时点击取消,然后在此安装时,InstallShield会提示先卸载之前的安装,这个体验非常不好,而且InstallScript MSI还没有办法修改。


而在InstallScript 提供了一个逻辑条件,即OnShowUI(),这个可以自己修改安装模式,代码如下

function OnShowUI()BOOL    bMaintenanceMode, bUpdateMode;string    szIgnore, szTitle;begin                // Enable dialog caching        Enable( DIALOGCACHE );                // Determine what events to show.        bUpdateMode    = FALSE;        bMaintenanceMode = FALSE;            // Remove this to disabled update mode.        if( UPDATEMODE ) then            bUpdateMode = TRUE;        endif;        // Remove this to disable maintenance mode.        if ( MAINTENANCE ) then            bMaintenanceMode = TRUE;        endif;        // Show appropriate UI        // TODO: Enable if you want to enable background etc.        //if ( LoadStringFromStringTable( "TITLE_MAIN", szTitle ) < ISERR_SUCCESS ) then // Load the title string.        //    szTitle = IFX_SETUP_TITLE;        //endif;        //SetTitle( szTitle, 24, WHITE );        //Enable( FULLWINDOWMODE );                                   //Enable( BACKGROUND );        //SetColor( BACKGROUND, RGB( 0, 128, 128 ) );        if( bUpdateMode ) then            OnUpdateUIBefore();        else            if ( bMaintenanceMode ) then                OnMaintUIBefore();            else                OnFirstUIBefore();            endif;        endif;        // Move Data        OnMoveData(); // 这里可以安装,也可以卸载组件        
if( bUpdateMode ) then OnUpdateUIAfter(); else if ( bMaintenanceMode ) then OnMaintUIAfter(); else OnFirstUIAfter(); endif; endif; // Disable dialog caching Disable(DIALOGCACHE);end;









function OnMoveData()number    nResult, nMediaFlags;begin    // Don‘t install the DISK1COMPONENT if MAINT_OPTION_NONE was specified.    if( MAINT_OPTION = MAINT_OPTION_NONE ) then        FeatureSelectItem( MEDIA, DISK1COMPONENT, FALSE );    endif;    // Updated in 11.5, disable the cancel button during file transfer unless    // this is non-maintenance mode or repair mode.    if( MAINTENANCE && ( !REINSTALLMODE || UPDATEMODE ) ) then        Disable( CANCELBUTTON );    endif;    // Show Status    // Note: Start status window at 1 in case CreateInstallationInfo call    // is lengthy.    SetStatusWindow( 1, "" );    Enable( STATUSEX );    StatusUpdate( ON, 100 );    // Create the uninstall infomation (after displaying the progress dialog)    // Don‘t create uninstall information if MAINT_OPTION_NONE was specified.    if( MAINT_OPTION != MAINT_OPTION_NONE ) then        CreateInstallationInfo();    endif;    // Move Data    nResult = FeatureTransferData( MEDIA );        // Moved in 11.0, Check for failure before creating uninstall key.    // Handle move data error and abort if error occured.    if( nResult < ISERR_SUCCESS ) then        OnComponentError();        abort;    endif;            // Create uninstall key, if DISK1COMPONENT was installed.    if( IFX_DISK1INSTALLED ) then        // Store text-subs for maintenance mode later, only do this when        // disk 1 is installed. Note that any text-subs that are updated after        // this call will not be remembered during maintenance mode.        FeatureSaveTarget("");        // Write uninstall information.        MaintenanceStart();        // Customize Uninstall Information        OnCustomizeUninstInfo();    endif;    // Disable Status    Disable( STATUSEX );end;



安装:Installs features that are selected(安装只勾选的组件Feature)

卸载:Uninstalls features that are not selected and are currently installed(卸载不勾选的组件Feature)。


在卸载时,即调用OnMaintUIBefore()的时候,调用的是nResult = SdFeatureTree( szTitle, szMsg, TARGETDIR, "", -1 );



Dlg_SdFeatureTree:    if ( nType = MODIFY ) then        szTitle = "";        szMsg = SdLoadString( SD_STR_COMPONENT_MAINT_MSG );        nResult = SdFeatureTree( szTitle, szMsg, TARGETDIR, "", -1 );        if ( nResult = BACK ) goto Dlg_Start;    endif;




function OnMoveData()number    nResult, nMediaFlags;begin    …………
// Show Status    // Note: Start status window at 1 in case CreateInstallationInfo call    // is lengthy.    SetStatusWindow( 1, "" );    Enable( STATUSEX );    StatusUpdate( ON, 100 );    // Create the uninstall infomation (after displaying the progress dialog)    // Don‘t create uninstall information if MAINT_OPTION_NONE was specified.    if( MAINT_OPTION != MAINT_OPTION_NONE ) then        CreateInstallationInfo();    endif;    
      // 只有卸载时才需要这样配置,安装不需要
    if(REMOVEONLY) then      // 只卸载Feature1,将Feature1设置为不选状态,将Feature2设置为选中状态       if(bSelectFeature1 && !bSelectFeature2) then 
"DefaultFeature\\NewFeature2", TRUE);   FeatureSelectItem(MEDIA, "DefaultFeature\\NewFeature1", FALSE);
    // 只卸载Feature2,将Feature2设置为不选状态,将Feature1设置为选中状态   elseif (bSelectFeature2 && !bSelectFeature1) then
"DefaultFeature\\NewFeature1", TRUE);   FeatureSelectItem(MEDIA, "DefaultFeature\\NewFeature2", FALSE);   endif; endif; // Move Data nResult = FeatureTransferData( MEDIA ); // Moved in 11.0, Check for failure before creating uninstall key. // Handle move data error and abort if error occured. if( nResult < ISERR_SUCCESS ) then OnComponentError(); abort; endif; …………end;




LaunchAppAndWait ( szProgram, szCmdLine, nOptions );


function OnFirstUIAfter()    STRING szTitle, szMsg1, szMsg2, szOpt1, szOpt2;    NUMBER bvOpt1, bvOpt2;    STRING szProgram, szCmd;begin    ShowObjWizardPages(NEXT);        szTitle = "";    szMsg1 = "";     szMsg2 = "";    szOpt1 = "";    szOpt2 = "";    bvOpt1   = FALSE;    bvOpt2   = FALSE;            szProgram = WINDIR ^ "System32\\PING.exe";     // szProgram = SUPPORTDIR ^ "test.bat"; // 如果使用自定义的bat,需要在Support Files/Billboards中存入bat文件    szCmd = "www.baidu.com";        LaunchAppAndWait (szProgram, szCmd, LAAW_OPTION_NOWAIT|LAAW_OPTION_HIDDEN);    nResult = LAAW_PARAMETERS.nLaunchResult;            //{{IS_SCRIPT_TAG(Dlg_SdDinishEx)        if ( BATCH_INSTALL ) then        SdFinishReboot ( szTitle , szMsg1 , SYS_BOOTMACHINE , szMsg2 , 0 );    else        SdFinish ( szTitle , szMsg1 , szMsg2 , szOpt1 , szOpt2 , bvOpt1 , bvOpt2 );    endif;    //}}IS_SCRIPT_TAG(Dlg_SdDinishEx)    end;

这里基本上展示了LaunchAppAndWait 的用法,重点记录的是获取返回值,这个值在bat中通过使用exit()获取返回值,如exit(-1)。






function OnCanceling()    STRING szTitle, szMsg1, szMsg2, szOpt1, szOpt2;    NUMBER bvOpt1, bvOpt2;begin    if (IDYES = SprintfBox(MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_DEFBUTTON2, SdLoadString(SD_STR_ONCANCELING_TITLE), SdLoadString(SD_STR_ONCANCELING_CONFIRM_MSG))) then        //Close the current dialog.        EndCurrentDialog();        //Display Finish dialog.        szTitle = "";            szMsg1 = SdLoadString( SD_STR_ONCANCELING_FINISH_MSG1 );        szMsg2 = SdLoadString( SD_STR_ONCANCELING_FINISH_MSG2 );            szOpt1 = "";        szOpt2 = "";        bvOpt1   = FALSE;        bvOpt2   = FALSE;        SdFinish ( szTitle, szMsg1, szMsg2 , szOpt1, szOpt2, bvOpt1, bvOpt2 );                                       abort;    endif;end;




function OnCanceling()    STRING szTitle, szMsg1, szMsg2, szOpt1, szOpt2;    NUMBER bvOpt1, bvOpt2;    STRING szBoxTitle, szBooxMsg;begin    if(MAINTENANCE) then        szBoxTitle = SdLoadString(SD_STR_ONCANCELING_TITLE);        szBooxMsg = SdLoadString(SD_STR_ONCANCELING_CONFIRM_MSG);                // 这个与弹出框没有关系,这里呈现的地方是退出向导页面,默认是安装完成        szMsg1 = SdLoadString( SD_STR_ONCANCELING_FINISH_MSG1 );         szMsg2 = SdLoadString( SD_STR_ONCANCELING_FINISH_MSG2 );       else        szBoxTitle = @UNINSTALL_BOX_TITLE;        szBooxMsg = @UNINSTALL_BOX_MSG;                // 这个与弹出框没有关系,这里呈现的地方是退出向导页面        szMsg1 = @UNINSTALL_TITLE;        szMsg2 = @UNINSTALL_MSG;    endif;            if (IDYES = SprintfBox(MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_DEFBUTTON2, szBoxTitle, szBooxMsg)) then        //Close the current dialog.        EndCurrentDialog();        //Display Finish dialog.        szTitle = "";          szOpt1 = "";        szOpt2 = "";        bvOpt1   = FALSE;        bvOpt2   = FALSE;        SdFinish ( szTitle, szMsg1, szMsg2 , szOpt1, szOpt2, bvOpt1, bvOpt2 );                                       abort;    endif;end;


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