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吃午饭前,按书上的代码写会儿--Hunt the Wumpus第一个版本



from random import choicecave_numbers = range(1,21)wumpus_location = choice(cave_numbers)player_location = choice(cave_numbers)while player_location == wumpus_location:    player_location = choice(cave_numbers)print "Welcome to Hunt the Wumpus!"print "You can see ", len(cave_numbers), "caves"print "To play, just type the number"print "of the cave you wish to enter next"while True:    print "You are in cave ", player_location    if (player_location == wumpus_location - 1 or        player_location == wumpus_location + 1):        print "I smell a wumpus!"    print "Which cave next?"    player_input = raw_input(">")    if (not player_input.isdigit() or        int(player_input) not in cave_numbers):        print player_input, "is not a cave!"    else:        player_location = int(player_input)        if player_location == wumpus_location:            print "Aargh! you got eaten by a wumpus!"            break

吃午饭前,按书上的代码写会儿--Hunt the Wumpus第一个版本