首页 > 代码库 > maven_修改setting ,改为自己私服或者OSC开源中国 [为解决sqlite-jdbc 在中央仓库找不到]

maven_修改setting ,改为自己私服或者OSC开源中国 [为解决sqlite-jdbc 在中央仓库找不到]

因为项目要使用到sqlite ,虽然有现成的jar,但是考虑的项目的易用统一管理,决定还是用maven

结果纠结了半天 sqlite-jdbc 在maven默认的仓库根本找不着,于是乎修改 setting 采用开源中国基于neuxs




修改 : C:\Users\Administrator\.m2\settings.xml


        <!-- mirror | Specifies a repository mirror site to use instead of a given
            repository. The repository that | this mirror serves has an ID that matches
            the mirrorOf element of this mirror. IDs are used | for inheritance and direct
            lookup purposes, and must be unique across the set of mirrors. | -->
            <name>Nexus osc</name>
