首页 > 代码库 > 2.10 读取打快数据文件

2.10 读取打快数据文件

import sys

#filename = sys.argv[1]
with open(filename,rb) as hugefile:
    chunksize =1000

    while hugefile:
        start = hugefile.tell()
        print "starting at:", start
        file_block = ‘‘
        for _ in xrange(start, start+chunksize):
            line = hugefile.next()
            file_block = file_block + line
            print file_block, type(file_block), file_block
        readable = readable + file_block
        stop = hugefile.tell()
        print readable ,type(readable), readable
        print  reading bytes from %s to %s % (start, stop)
        print  read bytes total:,len(readable)


2.10 读取打快数据文件