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[root@ora11g64 ~]# df -h
文件系统              容量  已用 可用 已用% 挂载点
                       37G   15G   20G  43% /
/dev/sda1              99M   23M   71M  25% /boot
tmpfs                 3.0G     0  3.0G   0% /dev/shm

[root@ora11g64 ~]# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 42.9 GB, 42949672960 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 5221 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *           1          13      104391   83  Linux
/dev/sda2              14        5221    41833260   8e  Linux LVM

Disk /dev/dm-0: 40.7 GB, 40701526016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4948 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Disk /dev/dm-0 doesn‘t contain a valid partition table

[root@ora11g64 ~]# df -k
文件系统               1K-块        已用     可用 已用% 挂载点
                      38502208  15660604  20854228  43% /
/dev/sda1               101086     23531     72336  25% /boot
tmpfs                  3057028         0   3057028   0% /dev/shm

[oracle@ora11g64 ~]$ ps -ef|grep pmon
oracle   20281     1  0 11:12 ?        00:00:01 ora_pmon_ORA11G
oracle   22417 22377  0 11:41 pts/3    00:00:00 grep pmon
[oracle@ora11g64 ~]$ ps -ef|grep smon
oracle   20327     1  0 11:12 ?        00:00:01 ora_smon_ORA11G
oracle   22422 22377  0 11:41 pts/3    00:00:00 grep smon
[oracle@ora11g64 ~]$ cat /etc/oratab

# This file is used by ORACLE utilities.  It is created by root.sh
# and updated by the Database Configuration Assistant when creating
# a database.

# A colon, ‘:‘, is used as the field terminator.  A new line terminates
# the entry.  Lines beginning with a pound sign, ‘#‘, are comments.
# Entries are of the form:
# The first and second fields are the system identifier and home
# directory of the database respectively.  The third filed indicates
# to the dbstart utility that the database should , "Y", or should not,
# "N", be brought up at system boot time.
# Multiple entries with the same $ORACLE_SID are not allowed.
