首页 > 代码库 > SQL*Loader之CASE2



1. 控制文件

[oracle@node3 ulcase]$ cat ulcase2.ctl

-- NAME-- ulcase2.ctl - SQL*Loader Case Study 2: Loading Fixed-Format Files---- DESCRIPTION-- This control file demonstrates the following:-- Use of a separate data file.---- Data conversions.---- TO RUN THIS CASE STUDY:-- 1. Before executing this control file, log in to SQL*Plus as--    scott/tiger. Enter @ulcase1 to execute the SQL script for--    this case study. This prepares and populates tables and--    then returns you to the system prompt. It is the same script--    used to prepare for case study 1, so if you have already--    run case study 1, you can skip this step.---- 2. At the system prompt, invoke the case study as follows:-- sqlldr USERID=scott/tiger CONTROL=ulcase2.ctl LOG=ulcase2.log---- NOTES ABOUT THIS CONTROL FILE-- The LOAD DATA statement is required at the beginning of the-- control file.---- The name of the file containing data follows the INFILE parameter.---- The INTO TABLE statement is required to identify the table to-- be loaded into.---- empno, ename, job, and so on are names of columns in table emp.-- The datatypes (INTEGER EXTERNAL, CHAR, DECIMAL EXTERNAL) identify-- the datatype of data fields in the file, not of corresponding-- columns in the emp table.---- Note that the set of column specifications is enclosed in-- parentheses.---- Records loaded in this example from the emp table contain-- department numbers. Unless the dept table is loaded first,-- referential integrity checking rejects these records (if-- referential integrity constraints are enabled for the emp table).--LOAD DATAINFILE ulcase2.datINTO TABLE EMP( EMPNO    POSITION(01:04) INTEGER EXTERNAL,  ENAME    POSITION(06:15) CHAR,  JOB      POSITION(17:25) CHAR,  MGR      POSITION(27:30) INTEGER EXTERNAL,  SAL      POSITION(32:39) DECIMAL EXTERNAL,  COMM     POSITION(41:48) DECIMAL EXTERNAL,  DEPTNO   POSITION(50:51) INTEGER EXTERNAL)                        

2. 数据文件

[oracle@node3 ulcase]$ cat ulcase2.dat

7782 CLARK      MANAGER   7839  2572.50          107839 KING       PRESIDENT       5500.00          107934 MILLER     CLERK     7782   920.00          107566 JONES      MANAGER   7839  3123.75          207499 ALLEN      SALESMAN  7698  1600.00   300.00 307654 MARTIN     SALESMAN  7698  1312.50  1400.00 307658 CHAN       ANALYST   7566  3450.00          20


SQL> select * from emp;EMPNO ENAME      JOB       MGR        HIREDATE  SAL       COMM       DEPTNO----- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- 7782 CLARK      MANAGER     7839                2572.5              10 7839 KING       PRESIDENT                       5500                10 7934 MILLER     CLERK       7782                920                 10 7566 JONES      MANAGER     7839                3123.75             20 7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN    7698                1600      300       30 7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN    7698                1312.5    1400      30 7658 CHAN       ANALYST     7566                3450                207 rows selected.

