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SELECT ‘private ‘+A.MyDataType+‘ ‘+A.COLUMNNAME+‘;‘ FROM (
	Select A.name COLUMNNAME,
	CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(‘bigint‘,B.name)>0 then ‘Long‘
	  WHEN CHARINDEX(‘int‘,B.name)>0 then ‘Integer‘
	  WHEN CHARINDEX(‘float‘,B.name)>0 then ‘Double‘
	   WHEN CHARINDEX(‘decimal‘,B.name)>0 then ‘BigDecimal‘
	  WHEN CHARINDEX(‘char‘,B.name)>0 then ‘String‘
	  WHEN CHARINDEX(‘datetime‘,B.name)>0 then ‘Date‘
	  WHEN CHARINDEX(‘bit‘,B.name)>0 then ‘Boolean‘
	  WHEN CHARINDEX(‘money‘,B.name)>0 then ‘BigDecimal‘
	else ‘‘ end MyDataType from syscolumns  A
	LEFT JOIN systypes B
	ON A.xtype=B.xusertype
	Where A.ID=OBJECT_ID(‘CurrentStock‘) 
	--and a.name =‘strContractGUID‘
	and a.name not like ‘%ufts%‘ and a.name not like ‘%uniqueidentifier%‘
) A
 SELECT ‘_Stock.set‘+A.COLUMNNAME+‘(‘+
	 case when MyDataType=‘Long‘ then ‘0‘ 
	 when MyDataType=‘Integer‘ then ‘0‘ 
	 when MyDataType=‘Double‘ then ‘0.0‘ 
	 when MyDataType=‘BigDecimal‘ then ‘BigDecimal.ZERO‘ 
	 when MyDataType=‘String‘ then ‘String‘ 
	 when MyDataType=‘Date‘ then ‘new Date()‘ 
	 when MyDataType=‘Boolean‘ then ‘0‘ 
	 else ‘‘ end  +‘)‘ 
	Select A.name COLUMNNAME,
	CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(‘bigint‘,B.name)>0 then ‘Long‘
	  WHEN CHARINDEX(‘int‘,B.name)>0 then ‘Integer‘
	  WHEN CHARINDEX(‘float‘,B.name)>0 then ‘Double‘
	   WHEN CHARINDEX(‘decimal‘,B.name)>0 then ‘BigDecimal‘
	  WHEN CHARINDEX(‘char‘,B.name)>0 then ‘String‘
	  WHEN CHARINDEX(‘datetime‘,B.name)>0 then ‘Date‘
	  WHEN CHARINDEX(‘bit‘,B.name)>0 then ‘Boolean‘
	  WHEN CHARINDEX(‘money‘,B.name)>0 then ‘BigDecimal‘
	else ‘‘ end MyDataType from syscolumns  A
	LEFT JOIN systypes B
	ON A.xtype=B.xusertype
	Where A.ID=OBJECT_ID(‘CurrentStock‘) 
	--and a.name =‘strContractGUID‘
	and a.name not like ‘%ufts%‘ and a.name not like ‘%uniqueidentifier%‘
) A

