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HTML to PDF pechkin

1. Goto Nuget 下载 Pechkin 控件

2. 创建需要打印的的PDF controller 和 Action, 这里会调用其他页面的内容进行打印。

  public ActionResult ExportPDF(int id=0)        {            SynchronizedPechkin sc = new SynchronizedPechkin(new GlobalConfig()                .SetMargins(new Margins() { Left = 0, Right = 0, Top = 0, Bottom = 0 })); //设置边距            ObjectConfig oc = new ObjectConfig();            string sCurrentUrl = Request.Url.ToString();            string sBook = sCurrentUrl.Substring(0, sCurrentUrl.IndexOf("/Book"));            string sPath = sBook + "/Book/BookToPdf/" + id;            oc.SetPrintBackground(true).SetRunJavascript(true).SetScreenMediaType(true)                .SetLoadImages(true)                .SetPageUri(sPath);            byte[] buf = sc.Convert(oc);            return File(buf, "application/pdf", "download.pdf");        }

  3. 调用页面代码

 public ActionResult BookToPdf(int id=0)        {            BookService BookBS = new BookService();            var sModel = BookBS.GetBook(id);            ViewData["BookModel"] = sModel;            return View();        }


@model List<LibrarySys.Web.Models.BookModel>@{     Layout = null;}<table class="table table-hover table-bordered">    <thead>        <tr>            <td class="col-md-1">                <p>图书编码</p>                <p>出版日期</p>            </td>            <td>名称</td>            <td>价格</td>            <td class="col-md-1">作者</td>                        <td>出版社</td>            <td>操作</td>        </tr>    </thead>    <tbody>        @foreach (var item in Model)        {            <tr>                <td>                    <p>@item.BookNumber</p>                    <p>@item.BookPublish.ToShortDateString()</p>                </td>                <td><a href="http://www.mamicode.com/Book/BookEdit/@item.BookId" target="_self">@item.BookName</a></td>                <td>@item.BookPrice</td>                <td>@item.BookAuthor</td>                               <td>@item.Publisher</td>                <td><a href="http://www.mamicode.com/Book/ExportPDF/@item.BookId" class="btn btn-xs btn-primary">导出PDF</a></td>            </tr>        }    </tbody></table>

  4. 打印预览

HTML to PDF pechkin