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ACE_Proactor UDP(接收什么就打印什么)V1.0







#include <vector>#include <fstream>#include <iterator>#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;#include "ace/Reactor.h"#include "ace/Message_Queue.h"#include "ace/Asynch_IO.h"#include "ace/OS.h"#include "ace/Proactor.h"#include "ace/Asynch_Connector.h"#include <ace/SOCK_Dgram.h> //=============================================================================/** *  @file    test_udp_proactor.cpp * *  $Id: test_udp_proactor.cpp 93639 2011-03-24 13:32:13Z johnnyw $ * *  This program illustrates how the <ACE_Proactor> can be used to *  implement an application that does asynchronous operations using *  datagrams. * * *  @author Irfan Pyarali <irfan@cs.wustl.edu> and Roger Tragin <r.tragin@computer.org> *///=============================================================================#include "ace/OS_NS_string.h"#include "ace/OS_main.h"#include "ace/Proactor.h"#include "ace/Asynch_IO.h"#include "ace/INET_Addr.h"#include "ace/SOCK_Dgram.h"#include "ace/Message_Block.h"#include "ace/Get_Opt.h"#include "ace/Log_Msg.h"// Keep track of when we're done.static int done = 0;/** * @class Sender * * @brief The class will be created by <main>. */class Sender : public ACE_Handler{public:  Sender (void);  ~Sender (void);  //FUZZ: disable check_for_lack_ACE_OS  ///FUZZ: enable check_for_lack_ACE_OS  int open (const ACE_TCHAR *host, u_short port);protected:  // These methods are called by the freamwork  /// This is called when asynchronous writes from the dgram socket  /// complete  virtual void handle_write_dgram (const ACE_Asynch_Write_Dgram::Result &result);private:  /// Network I/O handle  ACE_SOCK_Dgram sock_dgram_;  /// wd (write dgram): for writing to the socket  ACE_Asynch_Write_Dgram wd_;  const char* completion_key_;  const char* act_;};Sender::Sender (void)  : completion_key_ ("Sender completion key"),    act_ ("Sender ACT"){}Sender::~Sender (void){  this->sock_dgram_.close ();}intSender::open (const ACE_TCHAR *host,              u_short port){  // Initialize stuff  if (this->sock_dgram_.open (ACE_INET_Addr::sap_any) == -1)    ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,                       "[%D][line:%l]%p\n",                       "ACE_SOCK_Dgram::open"), -1);  // Initialize the asynchronous read.  if (this->wd_.open (*this,                      this->sock_dgram_.get_handle (),                      this->completion_key_,                      ACE_Proactor::instance ()) == -1)    ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,                       "[%D][line:%l]%p\n",                       "ACE_Asynch_Write_Dgram::open"), -1);  // We are using scatter/gather to send the message header and  // message body using 2 buffers  // create a message block for the message header  ACE_Message_Block* msg = 0;  ACE_NEW_RETURN (msg, ACE_Message_Block (100), -1);  const char raw_msg [] = "To be or not to be.";  // Copy buf into the Message_Block and update the wr_ptr ().  msg->copy (raw_msg, ACE_OS::strlen (raw_msg) + 1);  // create a message block for the message body  ACE_Message_Block* body = 0;  ACE_NEW_RETURN (body, ACE_Message_Block (100), -1);  ACE_OS::memset (body->wr_ptr (), 'X', 100);  body->wr_ptr (100); // always remember to update the wr_ptr ()  // set body as the cont of msg.  This associates the 2 message blocks so  // that a send will send the first block (which is the header) up to  // length (), and use the cont () to get the next block to send.  You can  // chain up to IOV_MAX message block using this method.  msg->cont (body);  // do the asynch send  size_t number_of_bytes_sent = 0;  ACE_INET_Addr serverAddr (port, host);  int res = this->wd_.send (msg, number_of_bytes_sent, 0, serverAddr, this->act_);    ACE_Message_Block* p = 0;  p= msg;  switch (res)    {    case 0:      // this is a good error.  The proactor will call our handler when the      // send has completed.      break;    case 1:      // actually sent something, we will handle it in the handler callback      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "********************\n"));      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,                  "%s = %d\n",                  "bytes sent immediately",                  number_of_bytes_sent));      while (p != NULL)      {          ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"YOU SEND[%s]\n",p->rd_ptr()));          p = p->cont();      }            ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "********************\n"));      res = 0;      break;    case -1:      // Something else went wrong.      ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,                  "[%D][line:%l]%p\n",                  "ACE_Asynch_Write_Dgram::recv"));      // the handler will not get called in this case so lets clean up our msg      msg->release ();      break;    default:      // Something undocumented really went wrong.      ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,                  "[%D][line:%l]%p\n",                  "ACE_Asynch_Write_Dgram::recv"));      msg->release ();      break;    }  return res;}voidSender::handle_write_dgram (const ACE_Asynch_Write_Dgram::Result &result){  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,              "handle_write_dgram called\n"));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "********************\n"));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s = %d\n", "bytes_to_write", result.bytes_to_write ()));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s = %d\n", "handle", result.handle ()));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s = %d\n", "bytes_transfered", result.bytes_transferred ()));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s = %d\n", "flags", result.flags ()));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s = %s\n", "act", result.act ()));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s = %d\n", "success", result.success ()));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s = %s\n", "completion_key", result.completion_key ()));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s = %d\n", "error", result.error ()));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "********************\n"));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,              "Sender completed\n"));  // No need for this message block anymore.  result.message_block ()->release ();  // Note that we are done with the test.  done++;}intACE_TMAIN (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]){    //ACE_LOG_MSG->clr_flags(0);    //ACE_LOG_MSG->set_flags(ACE_Log_Msg::STDERR | ACE_Log_Msg::VERBOSE);    Sender sender;    // Port that we're receiving connections on.    u_short port = ACE_DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT;    // Host that we're connecting to.    string host("localhost");    if (sender.open (host.c_str(), port) == -1)    return -1;    while (true)    {        ACE_Proactor::instance ()->handle_events ();    }        return 0;}


#include "ace/OS_NS_string.h"#include "ace/OS_main.h"#include "ace/Proactor.h"#include "ace/Asynch_IO.h"#include "ace/INET_Addr.h"#include "ace/SOCK_Dgram.h"#include "ace/Message_Block.h"#include "ace/Get_Opt.h"#include "ace/Log_Msg.h"// Host that we're connecting to.static ACE_TCHAR *host = 0;// Port that we're receiving connections on.static u_short port = ACE_DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT;// Keep track of when we're done.static int done = 0;/** * @class Receiver * * @brief This class will receive data from * the network connection and dump it to a file. */class Receiver : public ACE_Service_Handler{public:  // = Initialization and termination.  Receiver (void);  ~Receiver (void);  int open_addr (const ACE_INET_Addr &localAddr);protected:  // These methods are called by the framework  /// This method will be called when an asynchronous read completes on  /// a UDP socket.  virtual void handle_read_dgram (const ACE_Asynch_Read_Dgram::Result &result);private:  ACE_SOCK_Dgram sock_dgram_;  /// rd (read dgram): for reading from a UDP socket.  ACE_Asynch_Read_Dgram rd_;  const char* completion_key_;  const char* act_;};Receiver::Receiver (void)  : completion_key_ ("Receiver Completion Key"),    act_ ("Receiver ACT"){}Receiver::~Receiver (void){  sock_dgram_.close ();}intReceiver::open_addr (const ACE_INET_Addr &localAddr){  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,              "[%D][line:%l]Receiver::open_addr called\n"));  // Create a local UDP socket to receive datagrams.  if (this->sock_dgram_.open (localAddr) == -1)    ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,                       "[%D][line:%l]%p\n",                       "ACE_SOCK_Dgram::open"), -1);  // Initialize the asynchronous read.  if (this->rd_.open (*this,                      this->sock_dgram_.get_handle (),                      this->completion_key_,                      ACE_Proactor::instance ()) == -1)    ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,                       "[%D][line:%l]%p\n",                       "ACE_Asynch_Read_Dgram::open"), -1);  // Create a buffer to read into.  We are using scatter/gather to  // read the message header and message body into 2 buffers  // create a message block to read the message header  ACE_Message_Block* msg = 0;  ACE_NEW_RETURN (msg, ACE_Message_Block (1024), -1);  // the next line sets the size of the header, even though we  // allocated a the message block of 1k, by setting the size to 20  // bytes then the first 20 bytes of the reveived datagram will be  // put into this message block.  msg->size (20); // size of header to read is 20 bytes  // create a message block to read the message body  ACE_Message_Block* body = 0;  ACE_NEW_RETURN (body, ACE_Message_Block (1024), -1);  // The message body will not exceed 1024 bytes, at least not in this test.  // set body as the cont of msg.  This associates the 2 message  // blocks so that a read will fill the first block (which is the  // header) up to size (), and use the cont () block for the rest of  // the data.  You can chain up to IOV_MAX message block using this  // method.  msg->cont (body);  // ok lets do the asynch read  size_t number_of_bytes_recvd = 0;  int res = rd_.recv (msg,                      number_of_bytes_recvd,                      0,                      PF_INET,                      this->act_);  switch (res)    {    case 0:      // this is a good error.  The proactor will call our handler when the      // read has completed.      break;    case 1:      // actually read something, we will handle it in the handler callback      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "********************\n"));      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,                  "%s = %d\n",                  "bytes recieved immediately",                  number_of_bytes_recvd));      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "********************\n"));      res = 0;      break;    case -1:      // Something else went wrong.      ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,                  "[%D][line:%l]%p\n",                  "ACE_Asynch_Read_Dgram::recv"));      // the handler will not get called in this case so lets clean up our msg      msg->release ();      break;    default:      // Something undocumented really went wrong.      ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,                  "[%D][line:%l]%p\n",                  "ACE_Asynch_Read_Dgram::recv"));      msg->release ();      break;    }  return res;}voidReceiver::handle_read_dgram (const ACE_Asynch_Read_Dgram::Result &result){  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,              "handle_read_dgram called\n"));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "********************\n"));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s = %d\n", "bytes_to_read", result.bytes_to_read ()));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s = %d\n", "handle", result.handle ()));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s = %d\n", "bytes_transfered", result.bytes_transferred ()));  ACE_INET_Addr peerAddr;  result.remote_address (peerAddr);  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s = %s:%d\n", "peer_address", peerAddr.get_host_addr (), peerAddr.get_port_number ()));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s = %d\n", "flags", result.flags ()));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s = %s\n", "act", result.act ()));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s = %d\n", "success", result.success ()));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s = %s\n", "completion_key", result.completion_key ()));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s = %d\n", "error", result.error ()));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "********************\n"));  if (result.success () && result.bytes_transferred () != 0)    {      // loop through our message block and print out the contents      for (const ACE_Message_Block* msg = result.message_block (); msg != 0; msg = msg->cont ())        { // use msg->length () to get the number of bytes written to the message          // block.          ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Buf=[size=<%d>", msg->length ()));          for (u_long i = 0; i < msg->length (); ++i)            ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,                        "%c", (msg->rd_ptr ())[i]));          ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "]\n"));        }    }  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,              "Receiver completed\n"));  // No need for this message block anymore.  result.message_block ()->release ();  // Note that we are done with the test.  done++;}int    ACE_TMAIN (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]){    //ACE_LOG_MSG->set_flags(ACE_Log_Msg::STDERR | ACE_Log_Msg::VERBOSE);    Receiver receiver;    if (receiver.open_addr (ACE_INET_Addr (port)) == -1)        return -1;    while (true)    {        ACE_Proactor::instance ()->handle_events ();    }    return 0;}




ACE_Proactor UDP(接收什么就打印什么)V1.0