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最近寫了一直Web Service給很多不同站的客戶端呼叫,并直接寄信通知程式中的異常。

直接在oracle中設置某張表的trigger(after insert),當有新的異常資料寫入時候,寄給相關站別的管理員。


/* Written by milo on 2017-03-09*觸發器發送email*/CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER small_program_exception_afin  AFTER INSERT ON small_program_exception  FOR EACH ROWDECLARE  l_html         VARCHAR2(32767);  v_station_name varchar(300);  v_email_string varchar2(1000);  v_program_name varchar2(300);  v_station_code varchar(300);BEGIN  /*  dbms_output.put_line(‘new.station: ‘ || :new.station);  dbms_output.put_line(‘new.program_id: ‘ || :new.program_id);  dbms_output.put_line(‘new.occurred_time: ‘ ||                       to_char(:new.occurred_time, ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mm:ss‘));  dbms_output.put_line(‘new.program_id: ‘ ||                       substr(:new.exception_message, 1, 32767));  */  BEGIN    --獲取程式名稱、接收人email以及站名稱    select s.stn_name, m.mail_for_error, p.name,s.stn_code      into v_station_name, v_email_string, v_program_name,v_station_code      from tk_cust_prog_m m, tk_cust_prog_d d, station s, tk_programe p     where m.custom_no = d.custom_no       and m.custom_no = s.stn_code       and d.prog_id = p.id       and d.prog_id = :new.program_id       and d.custom_no = :new.station;  exception    when no_data_found then      raise_application_error(-20001, No data found.);      --dbms_output.put_line(‘no_data_found‘);      --dbms_output.put_line(‘v_email_string: ‘ || v_email_string);      if (v_email_string is null or v_email_string =  ) then        raise_application_error(-20001,                                Errors email recipient should not be empty, please type the recipient‘‘s email address on the web-function);      end if;  END;  l_html := <html><head>    <title></title></head><body><p> Dear  || v_station_code || </p><p> This email is to notify you that an unexpected error occurred in the program. Please check it ASAP.</p><p> Exception Message</p><p> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> <b> || v_station_name || </b></p><p> <b> || v_program_name || </b></p><p> Posted on  ||            to_char(:new.occurred_time, mm-dd-yyyy hh24:mm:ss) || </p><p>  || substr(:new.exception_message, 1, 32767) || </p><p> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p></body></html>;  send_mail(p_to        => v_email_string,            p_from      => milo@***.com, -- ***@oecgroup.com            p_subject   => Program Occurred Errors Notice,            p_text_msg  => ,            p_html_msg  => l_html,            p_smtp_host => spam.***.com,             p_account   => milo@***.com,             p_password  => ***); END;/

