首页 > 代码库 > linux用户空间和内核空间


When a process running in user mode requests additional memory, pages are allocated from the list of free page frames maintained by the kernel. This list is typically populated using a page-replacement algorithm such as those discussed in Section 9.4 and most likely contains free pages scattered throughout physical memory, as explained earlier. Remember, too, that if a user process requests a single byte of memory, internal fragmentation will result, as the process will be granted an entire page frame. Kernel memory is often allocated from a free-memory pool different from the list used to satisfy ordinary user-mode processes. There are two primary reasons for this:

  1. The kernel requests memory for data structures of varying sizes, some of which are less than a page in size. As a result, the kernel must use memory conservatively and attempt to minimize waste due to fragmentation. This is especially important because many operating systems do not subject kernel code or data to the paging system.
  2. Pages allocated to user-mode processes do not necessarily have to be in contiguous physical memory. However, certain hardware devices interact directly with physical memory—without the benefit of a virtual memory interface—and consequently may require memory residing in physically contiguous pages.


每个进程的页面目录就分成了两部分,第一部分为“用户空间”,用来映射其整个进程空间(0x0000 0000-0xBFFF FFFF)即3G字节的虚拟地址;第二部分为“系统空间”,用来映射(0xC000 0000-0xFFFF FFFF)1G字节的虚拟地址。可以看出Linux系统中每个进程的页面目录的第二部分是相同的,所以从进程的角度来看,每个进程有4G字节的虚拟空间, 较低的3G字节是自己的用户空间,最高的1G字节则为与所有进程以及内核共享的系统空间。

由程序员通过 INT指令触发。cpu把软中断做为陷阱来处理,也叫编程异常,其中int 0x80可以用于执行系统调用,int3则主要用于设置断点(对程序进行调试)。





  1. kmalloc对应于kfree,分配的内存处于3GB~high_memory之间,这段内核空间与物理内存的映射一一对应,可以分配连续的物理内存; vmalloc对应于vfree,分配的内存在VMALLOC_START~4GB之间,分配连续的虚拟内存,但是物理上不一定连续。
  2. vmalloc() 分配的物理地址无需连续,而kmalloc() 确保页在物理上是连续的
  3. kmalloc分配内存是基于slab,因此slab的一些特性包括着色,对齐等都具备,性能较好。物理地址和逻辑地址都是连续的。
  4. 最主要的区别是分配大小的问题,比如你需要28个字节,那一定用kmalloc,如果用vmalloc,分配不多次机器就罢工了。
  5. 尽管仅仅在某些情况下才需要物理上连续的内存块,但是,很多内核代码都调用kmalloc(),而不是用vmalloc()获得内存。这主要是出于性能的考虑。vmalloc()函数为了把物理上不连续的页面转换为虚拟地址空间上连续的页,必须专门建立页表项。还有,通过 vmalloc()获得的页必须一个一个的进行映射(因为它们物理上不是连续的),这就会导致比直接内存映射大得多的缓冲区刷新。因为这些原因,vmalloc()仅在绝对必要时才会使用,最典型的就是为了获得大块内存时,例如,当模块被动态插入到内核中时,就把模块装载到由vmalloc()分配的内存上。




Slab allocation

A slab is made up of one or more physically contiguous pages.A cache consists of one or more slabs. There is a single cache for each unique kernel data structure.

The slab allocator first attempts to satisfy the request with a free object in a partial slab. If none exists, a free object is assigned from an empty slab. If no empty slabs are available, a new slab is allocated from contiguous physical pages and assigned to a cache; memory for the object is allocated from this slab.

The slab allocator provides two main benefits:

  1. No memory is wasted due to fragmentation.
  2. Memory requests can be satisfied quickly.objects are created in advance and thus can be quickly allocated from the cache. Furthermore, when the kernel has finished with an object and releases it, it is marked as free and returned to its cache, thus making it immediately available for subsequent requests from the kernel.

Beginning with Version 2.6.24, the SLUB allocator replaced SLAB as the default allocator for the Linux kernel. SLUB addresses performance issues with slab allocation by reducing much of the overhead required by theSLAB allocator


x86架构中将内核地址空间划分三部分:ZONE_DMA、ZONE_NORMAL和 ZONE_HIGHMEM。ZONE_HIGHMEM即为高端内存,这就是内存高端内存概念的由来。

ZONE_DMA 内存开始的16MB



当内核想访问高于896MB物理地址内存时,从0xF8000000 ~ 0xFFFFFFFF地址空间范围内找一段相应大小空闲的逻辑地址空间,借用一会。借用这段逻辑地址空间,建立映射到想访问的那段物理内存(即填充内核PTE页面表),临时用一会,用完后归还。这样别人也可以借用这段地址空间访问其他物理内存,实现了使用有限的地址空间,访问所有所有物理内存。



