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vue.js-动态绑定class 利用index实现导航

 1 <template>
 2     <div class="stock">
 3         <div class="buin_leftcont nav_ctrl">
 4             <ul class="buin_leftnav">
 5                 <template  v-for="(item, index) in menu_list">
 6                     <router-link :to="item.urls">
 7                         <li @click="show_ctrl(index)" :class="{‘active‘:index===isActive}">
 8                             <span>{{item.name}}</span>
 9                         </li>
10                     </router-link>
11                 </template>
12             </ul>
13         </div>
14         <div class=‘stock_router‘>
15             <router-view></router-view>
16         </div>
17     </div>
18 </template>
20 <script>
21     import  $ from jquery
22     export default {
23         name: stock,
24         data () {
25             return {
26                 isActive:‘‘,
27                 menu_list:[
28                     {name:阀门管理,urls:/Stock/Fm_manage, show: false},
29                     {name:工具管理,urls:/Stock/Fm_manage, show: false},
30                     {name:执行器管理,urls:/Stock/Fm_manage, show: false},
31                     {name:研磨设备管理,urls:/Stock/Fm_manage, show: false},
32                     {name:加工设备管理,urls:/Stock/Fm_manage, show: false},
33                     {name:检测设备管理,urls:/Stock/Fm_manage, show: false},
34                     {name:人才信息管理,urls:/Stock/Fm_manage, show: false},
35                 ]
36             }
37         },
38         mounted(){
39         },
40         methods:{
41             show_ctrl(index){
42                 this.isActive=index;
43             }
44         }
45     }
46 </script>
48 <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
49 <style scoped>
50     .stock{
51         display: flex;
52     }
53     .buin_leftnav{
54         display: flex;
55         flex-direction:column;
56         width: 246px;
57         margin-top: 10px;
58         margin-left: 10px;
59     }
60     .stock_router{
61         width: 90%;
62         flex-grow:2
63     }
64     .nav_ctrl ul{
65         background:#1999D7;
66         width:200px;
67     }
69     .nav_ctrl li{
70         height:30px;
71         line-height:30px;
72         vertical-align:middle;
73         padding:10px 10px;
74         color:#FFF;
75         font-family:"微软雅黑","幼圆",Arial, sans-serif;
76         font-size:20px;
77         font-weight:500;
78         text-align:center;
79         cursor:pointer;
80         -webkit-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;
81         -moz-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;
82         -o-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;
83     }
85     .nav_ctrl li:hover{
86         background:#FF9000;
87         -webkit-transform:scale(1.1);
88         -moz-transform:scale(1.1);
89         -o-transform:scale(1.1);
90     }
91     .active{
92         background:#FF9000;
93         /*-webkit-transform:scale(1.1);*/
94         /*-moz-transform:scale(1.1);*/
95         /*-o-transform:scale(1.1);*/
96     }
97 </style>






vue.js-动态绑定class 利用index实现导航