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mmseg4j 1.9.1 + Solr 4.7.2报错

mmseg4j 1.9.1 + Solr 4.7.2报错

TokenStream contract violation: reset()/close() call missing, reset() called multiple times, or subclass does not call super.reset(). Please see Javadocs of TokenStream class for more information about the correct consuming workflow.
http://lucene.apache.org/core/4_6_0/changes/Changes.html#v4.6.0.changes_in_backwards_compatibility_policyLUCENE-5235: Sub classes of Tokenizer have to call super.reset() when implementing reset(). Otherwise the consumer will get an IllegalStateException because the Reader is not correctly assigned. It is important to never change the "input" field on Tokenizer without using setReader(). The "input" field must not be used outside reset(), incrementToken(), or end() - especially not in the constructor. MMSegTokenizer.javapublic void reset() throws IOException {		//lucene 4.0		//org.apache.lucene.analysis.Tokenizer.setReader(Reader)		//setReader 自动被调用, input 自动被设置。		super.reset();   //加这一句		mmSeg.reset(input);	}
可以自己下载zip工程修改后 mvn package,放到mmseg4j-analysis-1.9.1.jar中

mmseg4j 1.9.1 + Solr 4.7.2报错