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Problem C: 克隆人来了!



该类具有无参构造函数(人名为“no name”,年龄是0)、带参数构造函数、拷贝构造函数以及析构函数外,还有以下3个成员函数:

1. void Person::showPerson():按照指定格式显示人的信息。

2. Person& Person::setName(char *):设定人的姓名。

3. Person& Person::setAge(int):设定人的年龄。





Sample Input

Zhang 20
Li 18
Zhao 99

Sample Output

A person whose name is "no name" and age is 0 is created!
A person whose name is "Tom" and age is 16 is created!
A person whose name is "Tom" and age is 16 is cloned!
A person whose name is "Zhang" and age is 20 is created!
This person is "Zhang" whose age is 20.
A person whose name is "Zhang" and age is 20 is erased!
A person whose name is "Li" and age is 18 is created!
This person is "Li" whose age is 18.
A person whose name is "Li" and age is 18 is erased!
A person whose name is "Zhao" and age is 99 is created!
This person is "Zhao" whose age is 99.
A person whose name is "Zhao" and age is 99 is erased!
This person is "Zhao" whose age is 18.
This person is "no name" whose age is 0.
A person whose name is "Zhao" and age is 18 is erased!
A person whose name is "Tom" and age is 16 is erased!
A person whose name is "no name" and age is 0 is erased!



Append Code

using namespace std;
class Person
    string name;
    int age;
    Person(){name="no name",age=0;cout<<"A person whose name is \""<<name<<"\" and age is "<<age<<" is created!\n";}
    Person(string n,int a){name=n,age=a;cout<<"A person whose name is \""<<name<<"\" and age is "<<age<<" is created!\n";}
    void showPerson(){cout<<"This person is \""<<name<<"\" whose age is "<<age<<".\n";}
    Person& setName(string m){name=m;}
    Person& setAge(int a){age=a;}
    Person(const Person &Tom){name=Tom.name,age=Tom.age;cout<<"A person whose name is \""<<name<<"\" and age is "<<age<<" is cloned!\n";}
    ~Person(){cout<<"A person whose name is \""<<name<<"\" and age is "<<age<<" is erased!\n";}
int main()
    int cases;
    char str[80];
    int age;
    Person noname, Tom("Tom", 16), anotherTom(Tom);
    for (int ca = 0; ca < cases; ca++)
        Person newPerson(str, age);
    return 0;

Problem C: 克隆人来了!