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yii - core extension

Core Extensions

Yii provides the following core extensions that are developed and maintained by the Yii developer team. They are allregistered onPackagist and can be easily installed as described in theUsing Extensions subsection.

  • yiisoft/yii2-apidoc:provides an extensible and high-performance API documentation generator. It is also used to generate the coreframework API documentation.
  • yiisoft/yii2-authclient:provides a set of commonly used auth clients, such as Facebook OAuth2 client, GitHub OAuth2 client.
  • yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap:provides a set of widgets that encapsulate theBootstrap components and plugins.
  • yiisoft/yii2-codeception:provides testing support based onCodeception.
  • yiisoft/yii2-debug:provides debugging support for Yii applications. When this extension is used, a debugger toolbar will appearat the bottom of every page. The extension also provides a set of standalone pages to display more detaileddebug information.
  • yiisoft/yii2-elasticsearch:provides the support for usingElasticsearch. It includes basic querying/searchsupport and also implements theActive Record pattern that allows you to store active recordsin Elasticsearch.
  • yiisoft/yii2-faker:provides the support for usingFaker to generate fake data for you.
  • yiisoft/yii2-gii:provides a Web-based code generator that is highly extensible and can be used to quickly generate models,forms, modules, CRUD, etc.
  • yiisoft/yii2-imagine:provides commonly used image manipulation functions based onImagine.
  • yiisoft/yii2-jui:provides a set of widgets that encapsulate theJQuery UI interactions and widgets.
  • yiisoft/yii2-mongodb:provides the support for usingMongoDB. It includes features such as basic query,Active Record, migrations, caching, code generation, etc.
  • yiisoft/yii2-redis:provides the support for usingredis. It includes features such as basic query,Active Record, caching, etc.
  • yiisoft/yii2-smarty:provides a template engine based onSmarty.
  • yiisoft/yii2-sphinx:provides the support for usingSphinx. It includes features such as basic query,Active Record, code generation, etc.
  • yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer:provides email sending features based onswiftmailer.
  • yiisoft/yii2-twig:provides a template engine based onTwig.

yii - core extension