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Sketches and Code Examples
Below you can find a list of several Arduino sketches that we are demonstrating running on Intel‘s Galileo Development Board. The documented examples below are based on Arduino® IDE 1.5.3. The examples include a list of hardware required, step-by-step instructions, and a circuit diagram.
AnalogInOutSerial (Reads Analog Input)
AnalogInput (Demonstrates Analog Input)
Calibration (Calibrate Analog Sensor)
Fading (analogWrite is implemented)
AnalogReadSerial (Reads Analog Input)
Blink (Turn LED on and off every second)
DigitalReadSerial (Reads the State Of A Switch)
Fade (Fade LED Using Analog Output)
ReadAnalogVoltage (Reads Analog Input)
ASCIITable (Prints ASCII Table in Serial Monitor)
VirtualColorMixer (Reads Multiple Analog Inputs)
Graph (Graphs Value of Analog Input)
PhysicalPixel (Trigger LED with Characters)
Arrays (Demonstrates Array)
For-loop (Demonstrates For Loop)
IfStatementConditional (Demonstrates If Statements)
SwitchCase (Demonstrates Switch Case)
SwitchCase 2 (Demonstrates an Alternative Switch Case)
WhileStatementConditional (Demonstrates While Statement)
BlinkWithoutDelay (Blinks LED using time interval)
Debounce (Using push button to debounce LED)
DigitalInputPull-up (Demonstrates the use of INPUT_PULLUP)
PushButton (Turns off and on an LED with a Push Button)
StateChangeDetection (Prints state of button to Serial Monitor)
LCD Display
Autoscroll (Demonstrates the use of autoscrool method)
Blink (makes the cursor block blink)
Cursor (Demonstrates the use of cursor method)
Display (Demonstrates the use of display and noDisplay methods)
HelloWorld (Prints "Hello World!" to LCD)
Scroll (Demonstrates the use of scrollDisplayLeft and scrollDisplayright method)
SerialDisplay (Displays text from user input)
SetCursor (Demonstrates the use of setCursor method)
TextDirection (Demonstrates the use of LeftToRight and RightToLeft methods)
EEPROMClear (sets all EEPROM to 0)
EEPROMRead (Reads the value of EEPROM)
EEPROMWrite (Writes a value of a pot meter to EEPROM)
Starter Kit
CharacterAnalysis (Examines characters)
StringLength (Demonstrates how to use Length method)
SimpleWebServer (Blink LED via the web)
WebClient (Connects to a website)
WebServer (Web Server to show the values of the analog inputs)
WirelessCardTutorial (How to set up wireless card t