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sharepoint 用户没有权限执行工作流——Edit this task

在request list中创建了TO-Do item的工作流,另外一个list——to do for request存放临时的工作流item,添加用户user001在这些list中(包括“工作流”),设置权限为full control,结果发现收到工作流的邮件,如下: 

To complete this task:

1.     Review 邮箱申请.

2.     Perform the specific activities required for this task.

Use the Edit this task button to mark the task as completed. (If you cannot update this task, you might not have access to it. Click here to request access.)


在邮件中点击:edit this task,却提示没有权限。


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sharepoint 用户没有权限执行工作流——Edit this task