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三个文件:main.c student.c student.h


#ifndef STUDENT_H_#define STUDENT_H_#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#include<malloc.h>#include<stdlib.h>#define CMD_ADD_NODE  ‘1‘#define CMD_DEL_NODE  ‘2‘#define CMD_SHOW_NODE ‘3‘#define CMD_QUIT_NODE  ‘4‘ #define MAX 10typedef struct{    char name[20];    int grade;}Item;typedef struct node{    Item item;    struct node *next;}Node;typedef struct{    Node *front; /* 队头指针 */    Node *rear;  /* 队尾指针 */    int items;}Queue;static inline void print(const Item item){    printf("%s, %d\n", item.name, item.grade);    return ;}int QueueAdd( Queue *queue,Item item);int QueueDel(Queue *queue, Item *item);int QueueShow(const Queue *queue);#endif



#include"student.h"int main(int argc, char **argv){    char cmd = 0;    Queue queue={NULL,NULL,0};    Item item;    //Initialize(&queue);    while(1)    {        printf("The Menun Is:\n");        printf("1.add\n");        printf("2.delete\n");        printf("3.show\n");        printf("4.quit\n");        printf("Enter your choice(1~4):");        cmd = getchar();        while( (getchar()) != \n )            continue;//跳过输入行的多余部分        while( cmd != CMD_ADD_NODE && cmd != CMD_DEL_NODE                           && cmd != CMD_SHOW_NODE && cmd != CMD_QUIT_NODE)        {            printf("Please input 1~4:");            cmd = getchar();            while( (getchar()) != \n )                    continue;//跳过输入行的多余部分        }        switch(cmd)        {            case CMD_ADD_NODE  :                printf("Enter name and grade:");                scanf("%s%d",item.name,&(item.grade));                while( (getchar()) != \n )                    continue;//跳过输入行的多余部分                QueueAdd(&queue, item);                break;            case CMD_DEL_NODE  :                QueueDel(&queue, &item);                printf("Delete:");                print(item);                break;            case CMD_SHOW_NODE  :                QueueShow(&queue);                break;            case CMD_QUIT_NODE  :                exit(0);                break;            default:                break;        }        printf("\n");    }    return 0;}



#include "student.h"static int  QueueIsEmpty(const  Queue *queue){        return (queue->items == 0);}static int QueueIsFull(const Queue *queue){        return (queue->items == MAX);}/* 插到队尾 */int QueueAdd(Queue *queue, Item item){    Node *node;    if( QueueIsFull(queue) )    {            fprintf(stderr,"The queue is full!!!\n");            return -1;    }    node = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));    if(node == NULL)    {        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot creat a node!!!\n");        return -1;    }    node->item = item;    node->next = NULL;    if( QueueIsEmpty(queue) )    {            queue->front = node;    }    else    {            queue->rear->next = node;    }    queue->rear = node;    queue->items ++;    return 0;}/* 在队头删除 */int QueueDel( Queue *queue,  Item *item ){        Node *node;        if( QueueIsEmpty(queue) )        {                fprintf(stderr, "The queue is empty!!!\n");                return -1;        }        *item = queue->front->item;            node = queue->front;        queue->front = node->next;        queue->items --;                free(node);        return 0;}int  QueueShow( const Queue *queue ){        int i;        Node *node = queue->front;        if( QueueIsEmpty(queue) )        {                fprintf(stderr, "The queue is empty!!!\n");                return -1;        }        printf("All of the student:\n");        for( i=0; i<(queue->items); i++ )        {                print(node->item);                node = node->next;        }        printf("\n");        return 0;}

