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MonoTouch 二三事(三)mono mkbundle 打包程序的解包支持


玩过mono的可能知道mono有一个工具mkbundle ,可以把mono的运行时与类库与你的程序的依赖程序集都打包成一个可执行文件,在win下为exe文件,例如mandroid.exe,mtouch.exe,在mac下的Mach-O文件,例如mtouch,mtouch-64。

根据他的源代码 https://github.com/mono/mono/tree/master/mcs/tools/mkbundle,我们得到:


int main (int argc, char* argv[]){    char **newargs;    int i, k = 0;    newargs = (char **) malloc (sizeof (char *) * (argc + 2 + count_mono_options_args ()));    newargs [k++] = argv [0];    if (mono_options != NULL) {        i = 0;        while (mono_options[i] != NULL)            newargs[k++] = mono_options[i++];    }    newargs [k++] = image_name;    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {        newargs [k++] = argv [i];    }    newargs [k] = NULL;        if (config_dir != NULL && getenv ("MONO_CFG_DIR") == NULL)        mono_set_dirs (getenv ("MONO_PATH"), config_dir);        mono_mkbundle_init();    return mono_main (k, newargs);}




工具根据运行选项 -z 是否压缩程序集选择使用template.c或template_z.c内的mono_mkbundle_init函数实现,我们使用时通常是选择压缩的,所以通常使用的是后者的实现。

看 https://github.com/mono/mono/blob/master/mcs/tools/mkbundle/template_z.c,:

void mono_mkbundle_init (){    CompressedAssembly **ptr;    MonoBundledAssembly **bundled_ptr;    Bytef *buffer;    int nbundles;    install_dll_config_files ();    ptr = (CompressedAssembly **) compressed;    nbundles = 0;    while (*ptr++ != NULL)        nbundles++;    bundled = (MonoBundledAssembly **) malloc (sizeof (MonoBundledAssembly *) * (nbundles + 1));    bundled_ptr = bundled;    ptr = (CompressedAssembly **) compressed;    while (*ptr != NULL) {        uLong real_size;        uLongf zsize;        int result;        MonoBundledAssembly *current;        real_size = (*ptr)->assembly.size;        zsize = (*ptr)->compressed_size;        buffer = (Bytef *) malloc (real_size);        result = my_inflate ((*ptr)->assembly.data, zsize, buffer, real_size);        if (result != 0) {            fprintf (stderr, "mkbundle: Error %d decompressing data for %s\n", result, (*ptr)->assembly.name);            exit (1);        }        (*ptr)->assembly.data =http://www.mamicode.com/ buffer;        current = (MonoBundledAssembly *) malloc (sizeof (MonoBundledAssembly));        memcpy (current, *ptr, sizeof (MonoBundledAssembly));        current->name = (*ptr)->assembly.name;        *bundled_ptr = current;        bundled_ptr++;        ptr++;    }    *bundled_ptr = NULL;    mono_register_bundled_assemblies((const MonoBundledAssembly **) bundled);}


typedef struct {    const char *name;    const unsigned char *data;    const unsigned int size;} MonoBundledAssembly;typedef struct _compressed_data {    MonoBundledAssembly assembly;    int compressed_size;} CompressedAssembly;

也就是说我们找到被打包后的程序的函数mono_mkbundle_init ,并找到对compressed这个数据的引用操作,就可以找到一个程序集个数的int32(64位打包target为int64)数组,每个数组为一个指向CompressedAssembly结构体的指针。(不好描述,继续看我给的代码吧~)


因为被打包后的程序如 mandroid.exe 往往无任何符号,定位mono_mkbundle_init 以及 compressed并不容易,往往需要靠人工判断,这个想自动化完成。通过对各个版本的Xa*****程序集分析得到结果是,再无c语言级别上的代码大改动的情况下,同一语句生成的汇编的对数据引用的偏移量可能会变更,但如果不看数据引用的话,汇编语句的语义序列以及顺序往往固定,也就是说我们可以根据此特征定位位于函数mono_mkbundle_init 内对compressed变量引用时compressed变量在可执行文件的虚拟地址(VA)。

下面我们就得请出伟大的泄漏版IDA Pro 6.5 (没有的自己百度吧~pediy的资源区有)。

我们得知函数内有常量 [mkbundle: Error %d decompressing data for %s\n]这个字符串(根据win或mac的编译器不同,前面的mkbundle: 有时会没有),而往往整个程序只有一个函数对此有引用,由此我们得到mono_mkbundle_init 函数,这个通过IDAPython脚本可以得到,然后找到函数内第一次对数据段的引用这个引用的就是compressed变量,上代码:

#!/usr/bin/env python# coding=gbk# 支持 mtouch mtouch-64 mtouch.exe mandroid.exe 解包# 用IDA打开待分析文件,等待分析完毕,运行此脚本,将会在待分析文件同目录下生成临时文件夹并解压文件
# by BinSys
import urllib2, httplibimport zlibimport StringIO, gzipimport structimport ioimport sysimport idaapiimport idcimport idautilsfrom struct import *import timeimport datetimefrom datetime import datetime, date, timeInputFileType_EXE = 11InputFileType_MachO = 25InputFileType = -1Is64Bit = Falsestring_type_map = { 0 : "ASCSTR_C", # C-string, zero terminated 1 : "ASCSTR_PASCAL", # Pascal-style ASCII string (length byte) 2 : "ASCSTR_LEN2", # Pascal-style, length is 2 bytes 3 : "ASCSTR_UNICODE", # Unicode string 4 : "ASCSTR_LEN4", # Delphi string, length is 4 bytes 5 : "ASCSTR_ULEN2", # Pascal-style Unicode, length is 2 bytes 6 : "ASCSTR_ULEN4", # Pascal-style Unicode, length is 4 bytes}filetype_t_map = { 0 : "f_EXE_old", # MS DOS EXE File 1 : "f_COM_old", # MS DOS COM File 2 : "f_BIN", # Binary File 3 : "f_DRV", # MS DOS Driver 4 : "f_WIN", # New Executable (NE) 5 : "f_HEX", # Intel Hex Object File 6 : "f_MEX", # MOS Technology Hex Object File 7 : "f_LX", # Linear Executable (LX) 8 : "f_LE", # Linear Executable (LE) 9 : "f_NLM", # Netware Loadable Module (NLM) 10 : "f_COFF", # Common Object File Format (COFF) 11 : "f_PE", # Portable Executable (PE) 12 : "f_OMF", # Object Module Format 13 : "f_SREC", # R-records 14 : "f_ZIP", # ZIP file (this file is never loaded to IDA database) 15 : "f_OMFLIB", # Library of OMF Modules 16 : "f_AR", # ar library 17 : "f_LOADER", # file is loaded using LOADER DLL 18 : "f_ELF", # Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) 19 : "f_W32RUN", # Watcom DOS32 Extender (W32RUN) 20 : "f_AOUT", # Linux a.out (AOUT) 21 : "f_PRC", # PalmPilot program file 22 : "f_EXE", # MS DOS EXE File 23 : "f_COM", # MS DOS COM File 24 : "f_AIXAR", # AIX ar library 25 : "f_MACHO", # Max OS X}def FindStringEA(): searchstr = str("mkbundle: Error %d decompressing data for %s\n") searchstr2 = str("Error %d decompresing data for %s\n") #Do not use default set up, we‘ll call setup(). s = idautils.Strings(default_setup = False) # we want C & Unicode strings, and *only* existing strings. s.setup(strtypes=Strings.STR_C | Strings.STR_UNICODE, ignore_instructions = True, display_only_existing_strings = True) #loop through strings for i, v in enumerate(s): if not v: #print("Failed to retrieve string at index {}".format(i)) return -1 else: #print("[{}] ea: {:#x} ; length: {}; type: {}; ‘{}‘".format(i, v.ea, v.length, string_type_map.get(v.type, None), str(v))) if str(v) == searchstr or str(v) == searchstr2: return v.ea return -1def FindUnFunction(StringEA): for ref in DataRefsTo(StringEA): f = idaapi.get_func(ref) if f: return f return None def FindDataOffset(FuncEA): for funcitem in FuncItems(FuncEA): #print hex(funcitem) for dataref in DataRefsFrom(funcitem): return dataref #print " " + hex(dataref) return None def GetStructOffsetList(DataOffset): global Is64Bit if Is64Bit == True: addv = 8 mf=MakeQword vf=Qword else: mf=MakeDword addv = 4 vf=Dword AsmListStructListOffset = DataOffset currentoffset = AsmListStructListOffset mf(currentoffset) currentvalue = vf(currentoffset) currentoffset+=addv AsmListStructListOffsetList = [] AsmListStructListOffsetList.append(currentvalue) while currentvalue!= 0: mf(currentoffset) currentvalue = vf(currentoffset) if currentvalue!=0: AsmListStructListOffsetList.append(currentvalue) currentoffset+=addv return AsmListStructListOffsetList #print len(AsmListStructListOffsetList) #for vv in AsmListStructListOffsetList: #print hex(vv) def MakeFileItemStruct(FileItemStructOffset): global Is64Bit if Is64Bit == True: addv = 8 mf=MakeQword vf=Qword else: mf=MakeDword addv = 4 vf=Dword offset = FileItemStructOffset mf(offset) FileNameOffset = vf(offset) FileName = idc.GetString(FileNameOffset) offset+=addv mf(offset) FileDataOffset = vf(offset) offset+=addv mf(offset) FileSize = vf(offset) FileSizeOffset = offset offset+=addv mf(offset) FileCompressedSize = vf(offset) FileCompressedSizeOffset = offset offset+=addv IsGZip = 0 FileDataCompressed = idc.GetManyBytes(FileDataOffset,FileCompressedSize) b1,b2,b3 = struct.unpack(ccc, FileDataCompressed[0:3]) if b1 == \x1f and b2 == \x8b and b3 == \x08: IsGZip = 1 else: IsGZip = 0 return { "FileItemStructOffset":FileItemStructOffset, "FileNameOffset":FileNameOffset, "FileName":FileName, "FileDataOffset":FileDataOffset, "FileSize":FileSize, "FileSizeOffset":FileSizeOffset, "FileCompressedSizeOffset":FileCompressedSizeOffset, "FileCompressedSize":FileCompressedSize, "IsGZip":IsGZip, "FileDataCompressed":FileDataCompressed }#Python语言: Python Cookbook: 比系统自带的更加友好的makedir函数#from: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/82465def _mkdir(newdir): """works the way a good mkdir should :) - already exists, silently complete - regular file in the way, raise an exception - parent directory(ies) does not exist, make them as well """ if os.path.isdir(newdir): pass elif os.path.isfile(newdir): raise OSError("a file with the same name as the desired " "dir, ‘%s‘, already exists." % newdir) else: head, tail = os.path.split(newdir) if head and not os.path.isdir(head): _mkdir(head) #print "_mkdir %s" % repr(newdir) if tail: os.mkdir(newdir)def DecompressZLib(Data,Path): #compressedstream = StringIO.StringIO(Data) data2 = zlib.decompress(Data) f = open(Path, wb) f.write(data2) f.close() passdef DecompressGzipTo(Data,Path): compressedstream = StringIO.StringIO(Data) gziper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=compressedstream) data2 = gziper.read() # 读取解压缩后数据 f = open(Path, wb) f.write(data2) f.close() passdef DecompressFileTo(FileItem,OutputDir): newpath = {}\\{}.format(OutputDir, FileItem["FileName"]) #print newpath if FileItem["IsGZip"] == 1: DecompressGzipTo(FileItem["FileDataCompressed"],newpath) pass else: DecompressZLib(FileItem["FileDataCompressed"],newpath) pass passdef main(): global Is64Bit global InputFileType print("Input File:{}".format(GetInputFile())) print("Input File Path:{}".format(GetInputFilePath())) print("Idb File Path:{}".format(GetIdbPath())) print("cpu_name:{}".format(idc.GetShortPrm(idc.INF_PROCNAME).lower())) InputFileType = idc.GetShortPrm(idc.INF_FILETYPE) #ida.hpp filetype_t f_PE=11 f_MACHO=25 print("InputFileType:{}".format(filetype_t_map.get(InputFileType, None))) if InputFileType != InputFileType_EXE and InputFileType != InputFileType_MachO: print "Error,Input file type must is PE or MachO!" return if (idc.GetShortPrm(idc.INF_LFLAGS) & idc.LFLG_64BIT) == idc.LFLG_64BIT: Is64Bit = True else: Is64Bit = False print("Is64Bit:{}".format(Is64Bit)) OutputDir = {}_{:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f}.format(GetInputFilePath(), datetime.now()) _mkdir(OutputDir) print("OutputDir:{}".format(OutputDir)) StringEA = FindStringEA() if StringEA == -1: print "Can‘t find StringEA!" return Func = FindUnFunction(StringEA) if not Func: print "Can‘t find Func!" return FuncName = idc.GetFunctionName(Func.startEA) print "Found Data Function:" + FuncName DataOffset = FindDataOffset(Func.startEA) if not DataOffset: print "Can‘t find DataOffset!" return print("DataOffset:0x{:016X}".format(DataOffset)); StructOffsetList = GetStructOffsetList(DataOffset) if len(StructOffsetList) == 0: print "Can‘t find StructOffsetList!" return FileItems = [] for StructOffsetItem in StructOffsetList: FileItemStruct = MakeFileItemStruct(StructOffsetItem) FileItems.append(FileItemStruct) for FileItem in FileItems: print("FileItemStructOffset:{:016X} FileNameOffset:{:016X} FileDataOffset:{:016X} FileSize:{:016X} FileCompressedSize:{:016X} IsGZip:{} FileName:{}" .format( FileItem["FileItemStructOffset"] , FileItem["FileNameOffset"], FileItem["FileDataOffset"], FileItem["FileSize"], FileItem["FileCompressedSize"], FileItem["IsGZip"], FileItem["FileName"])) DecompressFileTo(FileItem,OutputDir) if __name__ == "__main__": main()


MonoTouch 二三事(三)mono mkbundle 打包程序的解包支持