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XamarinAndroid 自动绑定View变量

Android 编程时我们少不了使用FindIdByView函数,在Xamarin Android开发时也需要如此。这个工作很无聊且烦人。在常规Android开发中,人们已经发明了一些方法免除这项工作,例如Android数据绑定,还有butterknife,都可以解决这个问题。关于它们我不去细说了。但是这两个方案在Xamarin Android开发里还无法使用。本文介绍一个函数,就可以把程序员从这项工作中解脱出来,原文请参见http://redth.codes/auto-wire-up-views-xamarin-activity/。



 1 using Android.App; 2 using Android.Widget; 3 using Android.OS; 4  5 namespace AndApp2 6 { 7     [Activity(Label = "AndApp2", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon")] 8     public class MainActivity : Activity 9     {10         int count = 1;11         Button myButton;12         TextView txtName;13 14         protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)15         {16             base.OnCreate(bundle);17             this.BindView(Resource.Layout.Main);18 19             myButton.Click += (s,e)=> {20                 myButton.Text = string.Format("{0} clicks!", count++);21                 txtName.Text = "Bruce";22             };23         }24     }25 }

Layout中有一个Button myButton和一个TextView txtName.



 1 public static class ActivityExtensions 2     { 3         public static void BindView(this Activity activity, int layoutResId) 4         { 5             activity.SetContentView(layoutResId); 6             //Get all the View fields from the activity 7             var members = from m in activity.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance) 8                           where m.FieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(View)) 9                           select m;10 11             if (!members.Any())12                 return;13 14             members.ToList().ForEach(m =>15             {16                 try17                 {18                     //Find the android identifier with the same name19                     var id = activity.Resources.GetIdentifier(m.Name, "id", activity.PackageName);20                     //Set the activity field‘s value to the view with that identifier21                     m.SetValue(activity, activity.FindViewById(id));22                 }23                 catch (Exception ex)24                 {25                     throw new MissingFieldException("Failed to wire up the field "26                                                      + m.Name + " to a View in your layout with a corresponding identifier", ex);27                 }28             });29         }30     }



XamarinAndroid 自动绑定View变量