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REST Representational state transfer









“跟大部分餐饮企业一样,星巴克也主要致力于将订单处理的吞吐量最大化。顾客订单越多,收入就越多。为此,他们采取了异步处理的办法。你在点单时,收银员取出一只咖啡杯,在上面作上记号表明你点的是什么,然后把这个杯子放到队列里去。这里的队列指的是在咖啡机前排成一列的咖啡杯。正是这个队列将收银员与咖啡师解耦开,从而,即便在咖啡师一时忙不过来的时候,收银员仍然可以为顾客点单。他们可以在繁忙时段安排多个咖啡师,就像竞争消费者模式(Competing Consumer)里那样。”


"Starbucks, like most other businesses is primarily interested in maximizing throughput of orders. More orders equals more revenue. As a result they use asynchronous processing. When you place your order the cashier marks a coffee cup with your order and places it into the queue. The queue is quite literally a queue of coffee cups lined up on top of the espresso machine. This queue decouples cashier and barista and allows the cashier to keep taking orders even if the barista is backed up for a moment. It allows them to deploy multiple baristas in a Competing Consumer scenario if the store gets busy."


REST Representational state transfer