首页 > 代码库 > 一个例子说明线性链表的简单操作



typedef struct node{    char info;    struct node *link;  }NODE;




  1 #include <stdio.h>  2 #include <stdlib.h>  3   4 tyoedef struct node  5 {  6     char info;                         /*store the data of the  element*/  7     struct node *link;              /*store the address of the next element*/  8 }NODE;  9  10 /****************************************************************************** 11 **function:    listCreate 12 **description:create a list 13 **input:         no 14 **return:       reurn the head pointer 15 ******************************************************************************/ 16 NODE *listCreate () 17 { 18     NODE *head, *p1, *p2; 19     cahr ch; 20     head = (NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE));      /*create the head node*/ 21     head->link = NULL; 22     p1 = head; 23     while((ch = getchar()) != \n) 24     { 25         p2 = (NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE));    /*create a new node   */ 26         p2->info = ch; 27         p2->link = NULL;  28  29         p1->link = p2;                        /*insert the new node */ 30         p1 = p2; 31     }   32     return (head); 33 } 34  35 /*************************************************************************** 36 **function:    listTravel 37 **description:travel the element of the list 38 **input:         the pointer to the node 39 **return:       void 40 **************************************************************************/ 41 void listTravel(NODE *ptr) 42 { 43     ptr = ptr->link; 44     while(ptr != NULL) 45     { 46         printf("%c ", ptr->info); 47         ptr = ptr->link;            /*enable the ptr point to the next node*/ 48     } 49     printf("\n"); 50 } 51  52 /******************************************************************** 53 **function:    listProcess 54 **description:process the data of list 55 **input:         two node point la,lb 56 **return:       reurn a new pointer of the list 57 *******************************************************************/ 58 NODE *listProcess(NODE *la, NODE *lb) 59 { 60     NODE *ptr, *p1, *p2; 61     int found = 0; 62  63     ptr = lb->link; 64     while(ptr != NULL) 65     { 66         p1 = la->link; 67         p2 = la; 68         while(p1 != NULL && !found) 69         { 70         if(p1->info == ptr->info)              /*if the two datas equals*/ 71             { 72                 found = 1; 73             } 74             else                               /*point the next element*/ 75             {     76                 p2 = p1; 77                 p1 = p1->link; 78             } 79          } 80             if(found)                          /*delete the node */ 81             { 82                 p2->link = p1->link; 83                 free(p1); 84                 found = 0; 85             } 86             else                               /*insert the node */ 87  88             { 89                 p1 = (NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); 90                 p1->info = ptr->info; 91                 p1->link = NULL; 92                 p2->link = p1; 93             }      94          95         ptr = ptr->link;                      /*compare the next element */ 96     } 97     return (la); 98 } 99 100 /*******************************************************************101 **function:    main102 **description:complete the task103 **input:         void104 **return:        0105 *******************************************************************/106 int main(int argc, char *argv[])107 {108     NODE *la, *lb;109     110     printf("\nthe element of the list A:\n ");111     la = listCreate();112     listTravel(la); 113 114     printf("\nthe element of the list B:\n ");115     lb = listCreate();116     listTravel(lb); 117 118     la = process(la, lb);119     printf("the list (A-B)U(B-A) is\n");120     listTravel(la); 121 122     return 0;123 }

