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distributor之Interrupt Set/Clear-Active Registers, GICD_IS/CACTIVERn

set active寄存器,顾名思义就是把一个中断置为active状态,clear active寄存器就是清除active状态,在这里我们有必要说明一下中断状态的一些概念:




active and pending状态:如果处理器正在执行一个中断的处理函数,此时这个中断的中断源又产生了一个中断,那么我们称之为此中断处于active and pending状态;

对于set active寄存器,写1有效,写0无效;读出来的值表示active状态,如果是1,表示此时此中断处于active状态;此寄存器相对于distributor的偏移区间为0x300-0x37C ,计算方法为:

For interrupt IDm, when DIV and MOD are the integer division and modulo operations:

the corresponding GICD_ISACTIVERn number,n, is given byn=m DIV 32

the offset of the required GICD_ISACTIVERn is (0x300+ (4*n))
the bit number of the required Set-active bit in this register is
mMOD 32. 

对于clear active寄存器,写1有效,写0无效;读出来的值表示active状态,如果是1,表示此时此中断处于active状态;此寄存器相对于distributor的偏移区间为0x380-0x3FC ,计算方法为:

For interrupt IDm, when DIV and MOD are the integer division and modulo operations:

the corresponding GICD_ICACTIVERn number,n, is given byn=m DIV 32

the offset of the required GICD_ICACTIVERn is (0x380+ (4*n))
the bit number of the required Clear-active bit in this register is
mMOD 32. 

distributor之Interrupt Set/Clear-Active Registers, GICD_IS/CACTIVERn