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一个winform带你玩转rabbitMQ(三) 附源码
第一章. 安装,简介和初探
第二章. exchange,queue,binding介绍 订阅发布 工作队列(消费者集群)
本章收尾 介绍API CommandLine 以及其他功能
源码地址 https://github.com/dubing/MaoyaRabbit
RabbitMQ API
RabbitMQ Server提供了丰富的http api。
cluster_name | The name of the entire cluster, as set with rabbitmqctl set_cluster_name . |
erlang_full_version | A string with extended detail about the Erlang VM and how it was compiled, for the node connected to. |
erlang_version | A string with the Erlang version of the node connected to. As clusters should all run the same version this can be taken as representing the cluster. |
exchange_types | A list of all exchange types available. |
listeners | All (non-HTTP) network listeners for all nodes in the cluster. (See contexts in /api/nodes for HTTP). |
management_version | Version of the management plugin in use. |
message_stats | A message_stats object for everything the user can see - for all vhosts regardless of permissions in the case of monitoring and administrator users, and for all vhosts the user has access to for other users. |
node | The name of the cluster node this management plugin instance is running on. |
object_totals | An object containing global counts of all connections, channels, exchanges, queues and consumers, subject to the same visibility rules as for message_stats . |
queue_totals | An object containing sums of the messages , messages_ready and messages_unacknowledged fields for all queues, again subject to the same visibility rules as for message_stats . |
rabbitmq_version | Version of RabbitMQ on the node which processed this request. |
statistics_db_node | Name of the cluster node hosting the management statistics database. |
statistics_level | Whether the node is running fine or coarse statistics. |
其更丰富的功能可以参考官网说明文档 http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-management/raw-file/3646dee55e02/priv/www-api/help.html
以及 http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-management/raw-file/rabbitmq_v3_3_5/priv/www/api/index.html
一般来说我们常用的我在应用程序中已经给出 例如查看所有队列等
RabbitMQ CommandLine
除了丰富的http api,rabbitmq server自然也有其很全面命令行。
rabbitmqctl更多的命令说明参考 http://www.rabbitmq.com/man/rabbitmqctl.1.man.html
var consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(channel); channel.BasicQos(0, 1, false); channel.BasicConsume(queue.name, rbAckTrue.Checked, consumer); while (true) { var e = consumer.Queue.Dequeue(); MessageBox.Show(string.Format("队列{0}获取消息{1},线程id为{2}", queue.name, Encoding.ASCII.GetString(e.Body), Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id)); Thread.Sleep(1000); }
上一章节介绍了 消费者如何做分布式或者说是集群,很多同学可能对server端的集群也很感兴趣,鉴于单机的应用程序这里就不多介绍了,给出官网的传送门
本篇收尾 有点狗尾续貂的感觉 旨在按照之前的计划 放出源码 希望对大家有帮助
一个winform带你玩转rabbitMQ(三) 附源码