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def add ():
    d = query()
    add = input("please input proxy your add:")
    count = 0
    for line in f_first:
        if count == d[max(d)] :
        count +=1
def change ():
    d = query()
    old = input("please input proxy your choice:")
    new = input("please input new proxy;")
    count = 0
    for line in f_first:
        count +=1
        if count == d[old] :
            f_second.write("\t\t" + new + "\n")
def delete():
    d = query()
    delete = input("please input proxy your want delete:")
    count = 0
    for line in f_first:
        count += 1
        if count == d[delete]:
def query ():
    d = {}
    flag = False
    url = input("please input url:")
    count = 0
    for line in f_first:
        count += 1
        if line.startswith("backend") and url in line:
            flag = True
        if line.startswith("backend") and flag:
            flag = False
        if flag:
            d[line.strip()] = count
    for i in d:
    return d
def main ():
    menu = {1: "add", 2: "delete", 3: "change", 4: "query",5:"quit"}
    for i in range(1,6):
        print (i,menu[i])
    action = int(input("choice:"))
    if action ==5:quit()
    list_url = []
    with  open("haproxy.conf", encoding="utf8") as f_first:
        for line in f_first:
            if line.startswith("backend"):
    for i in list_url:
        print (i.split(" ")[1])
    return action
import os
with  open("haproxy.conf", encoding="utf8") as f_first, open("haproxy1.conf", mode="w+",
                                                             encoding="utf8") as f_second:
    choice = main ()
    if choice == 1 : add()
    if choice == 2 : delete()
    if choice == 3 : change()
    if choice == 4 : query ()

