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 1 #include<iostream> 2 using namespace std; 3 int main() 4 { 5     char c; 6     cin>>c; 7     switch(c) 8     { 9     case M:10         cout<<"Monday"<<endl;11         break;12     case T:13         cout<<"input another letter: ";14         cin>>c;15         if(c==u)        cout<<"Tuesday"<<endl;16         else if(c==h)        cout<<"Thursday"<<endl;17         break;18     case W:19         cout<<"Wendesday"<<endl;20         break;21     case F:22         cout<<"Friday"<<endl;23         break;24     case S:25         cout<<"input another letter: ";26         cin>>c;27         if( c==a)        cout<<"Saturday"<<endl;28         else if( c==u)        cout<<"Sunday"<<endl;29         break;30     default:31         cout<<"input error"<<endl;32         break;33     }34     system("pause");35     return 0;36 }

题目:Press any key to change color, do you want to try it. Please hurry up!

 1 #include<iostream> 2 #include "windows.h" 3 using namespace std; 4 int textbackground(short iColor) 5 { 6     HANDLE hd = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); 7     CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbInfo; 8     GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hd, &csbInfo); 9     return SetConsoleTextAttribute(hd, (iColor<<4)|(csbInfo.wAttributes&~0xF0));10 }11 int main()12 {13     int color;14     char c;15     for( color=0; color<8; color++)16     {17         textbackground(color);18         cout<<"This is color "<<color<<endl;19         cout<<"Please press any key to continue."<<endl;20         cin>>c;21     }22     system("pause");23     return 0;24 }



 1 #include<iostream> 2 using namespace std; 3 void hello_world(); 4 void triple_hello_world(); 5 int main() 6 { 7     triple_hello_world(); 8     system("pause"); 9     return 0;10 }11 void hello_world()12 {13     cout<<"Hello World!"<<endl;14 }15 void triple_hello_world()16 {17     for(int i=0; i<3; i++)18         hello_world();19 }

