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Excel import

Case Study: Reading cell content from excel template for COM variant type VT_R4 or VT_R8 is always little tricky.
Observation: Reading real value can be done in following ways

1) num2Str0(_variant.double(), 0);

2) num2str(_variant.double(), 0, numOfDec(_variant.double()), 1, 0);

            Here is the output which is generated where the first function value is always a round-off value compared with the second function which returns the exact content with correct scale and precision.


COMVariantType Functions output for Real values.


/* Build excel template as following      and specify the path @ excel=======================================Column     Integer     Real                =======================================Rows(1)    123         60.9756097560976Rows(2)    234         5.69105691056911=======================================*/static void SR_VariantType(Filename excel = @‘C:\Projects\Data.xlsx‘){    int                 rows;    int                 columns;    COMVariant          variant;    SysExcelCells       sysExcelCells;    SysExcelWorkbook    sysExcelWorkbook;    SysExcelWorkbooks   sysExcelWorkbooks;    SysExcelWorksheet   sysExcelWorksheet;    SysExcelWorksheets  sysExcelWorksheets;    SysExcelApplication sysExcelApplication;    str variant2Str(COMVariant _variant)    {        str valueStr;        ;        switch(_variant.variantType())        {            case COMVariantType::VT_EMPTY   :                valueStr = ‘‘;                break;            case COMVariantType::VT_BSTR    :                valueStr = _variant.bStr();                break;            case COMVariantType::VT_R4      :            case COMVariantType::VT_R8      :                if(_variant.double())                {                    valueStr = strFmt("@SYS311964",                                       num2Str0(_variant.double(), 0),                                      num2str(_variant.double(),                                      0,                                      numOfDec(_variant.double()),                                       1,                                       0));                }                break;            default                         :                throw error(strfmt("@SYS26908",                                    _variant.variantType()));        }        return valueStr;    }    ;    sysExcelApplication = SysExcelApplication::construct();    sysExcelWorkbooks   = sysExcelApplication.workbooks();    try    {        sysExcelWorkbooks.open(excel,                                false /*Update links*/,                                true /*Read only*/);    }    catch (Exception::Error)    {        throw error(strFmt("@SYS76826", excel));    }    sysExcelWorkbook   = sysExcelWorkbooks.item(1);    sysExcelWorksheets = sysExcelWorkbook.worksheets();    // Only considering Sheet 1    sysExcelWorksheet  = sysExcelWorksheets.itemFromNum(1);    sysExcelCells      = sysExcelWorksheet.cells();    // Since in first row there will be field names.    for ( rows = 2; rows <= 3; rows++)    {        for (columns = 1; columns <= 2; columns++)        {            variant = sysExcelCells.item(rows, columns).value();            print variant2Str(variant);            pause;        }    }    // Close Excel    sysExcelApplication.quit();    variant             = null;    sysExcelWorkbooks   = null;    sysExcelWorkbook    = null;    sysExcelWorksheet   = null;    sysExcelCells       = null;    sysExcelApplication = null;}

Excel import