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Sculptor is an open source productivity tool that applies the concepts fromDomain-Driven Design and Domain Specific Languages for generating high quality Java code and configuration from a textual specification.


  • Easy to learn, intuitive syntax of the textual DSL, based on the concepts from DDD
  • Textual DSL has a lot of productivity benefits over graphical tools
  • Quick start, simple installation
  • Quick development round trip, short feedback loop, it is not a one time shot
  • Support for TDD and refactoring
  • Existing IDE tools, such as refactoring, code assist and debugger will continue to be of service to you
  • High quality of generated code
  • Pick ‘n’ Choose Target Implementation, based on well known frameworks, best practices, and a lot of experience
  • Generation of complete application from a single model, not only fragments that are hard to fit in to the overall design
  • Great extensibility and customization
  • Used with de facto standard build tool - Maven
  • Based on Xtext code generation framework
  • Can be used with text editor or any IDE, but DSL editor with error highlight, code completion and outline is provided for Eclipse users
  • Easy to remove the tool, no runtime magic
